Loving The Devil {Chapter Ten}

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Andrew pov

I just dropped Yvette at her home and went back home. I suddenly feel so empty. But she needs her mother's love right now. She's very strong and she doesn't even know it. How can that thin bones be so mighty. She has lived a hard life of poverty even though she has an undying smile, I know a poor life is a sad life. She had to deal with her father's sudden death. Then she also has to deal with motherfuckers like Micheal who can't resist her beauty. I didn't even bother to know more about their date, I'm so dumb.

I opened my phone and went to our Styles Kings group chat. I haven't opened my messages since I had Yvette company. I was either trying to make her happy or tired after making her happy.

I began to read the conversation

"Sup bro, how was the date"

Date.. Stupid date

"Splendid and guess what?"

Pff... she probably just agreed to go on another date with you. Not a big deal, even though is the biggest deal.

Lewis and Ashton:

She's now my girlfriend

WHAT?!!! How could she do that? I'm sure he spiked her. I don't trust Micheal, he's a very corny guy just like his father. I'm going to ask Yvette myself. I dialed her number but she didn't pickup, that's weird it isn't saying saying switched off and I made sure her phone was full before she left my house. I called again but it said the same thing. I checked her tracker on my phone.

Don't you dare judge me, I'm a guy in love.

I installed it on her phone last night. I'm just trying to protect her. The tracker app said she wasn't home. What the fuck?!

Without anymore judgement, I took my jacket and left the house to where her location said she was. I just pray she's alright. I connected her location to the GPS in my car. The rain was pouring heavily, normally it was not safe to drive in such weathers but I don't mind right now.

This place had no houses, just closed stores, but the GPS said I'm close. I saw her blonde hair sitting on the ground burying her head in her lap under some shades. Fuck!

She raised her head and mumbled something

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" I asked her, removing my jacket and covering her. But her lips only wobbled and tears dropped from her eyes. I picked her up bridal style. Her stares caught mine.

Her eyes were soft and glossy, her nose were pink from crying. Her lips were a dark shade of pink due to the cold. I finally broke eye contact and placed her on the passenger's seat and picked up her bags. I drove back to my place.

I took her to the room she was staying before, while the house-help Steve brought her things inside.

"What happened?" I asked as she sat on the bed and began to cry.

"My life is a mess" her lips were quivering and tears flowed from her cheeks.

"Don't say that" I turned to Steve, "get me a hot towel" he nodded and left to bring them.

"What happened? Why are you packed?" I asked.

"Our house was sold out by the landlord and we haven't paid our rent for the pass six months, so we were chased out" she explained.

Humans can be so heartless. How could they make such decisions with out even giving the people a warning. For fuck sake the man of the house just died.

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