Loving The Devil {Chaper Forty Six}

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Yvette pov
I don't know the fuck that was, why did I run? Why am I much of a coward? I fucking hate myself.

I picked up anything that I could hold and threw it at the wall and watched as it shatter to pieces.

"Fuck!!!" I screamed.

My phone started ringing but I ignored it. It continued ringing continuously and I finally picked up the call furiously, ready to tell the person on the line to leave me the fuck alone.

"I don't have time for this..." I started but was cut off by Skye sobbing loudly.

"Yvette..." she croaked. It's obvious she has been crying, something is definitely wrong. My anger disappeared into thin air upon hearing my best friend's cracked voiced.

"What is it?" I asked her softly.

"An.. Andrew..." she said and my heart paused.

"Wha... What happened to him?" I asked. My hands began to shake.

The next words that came out from her mouth left my brain numb. My phone fell from my hands hitting the tiled floor.

"Andrew Styles. Where is he?" I asked panicking. I was already at the reception desk of the hospital where Andrew got admitted.

"Left wing. Private rooms on the third floor" she said.

With a rush, I ran into the private wing of the hospital and I needed no information on where to find Andrew. There's always a difference between private and 'private.' I got the private section and I saw Andrew name on the door. With a shaking hand, I placed a hand on the door knob before twisting it open slowly.

My heart was pounding against my chest so hard that I thought it might jump out. The continuous beeping of the life monitor and the sobs in the room was enough to make me collapse but I held it to together till I was standing next to him.

"Andrew" Skye cried. I looked at everyone to see them crying. Ashton was holding Skye close trying to console her but it was obvious he wanted to be consoled also. Lewis was never one I thought id see cry till this very moment. He's eyes were red and puffy to tell the numbers of time he has been crying.

I finally looked at Andrew; he had an oxygen mask on his nose and there were cuts and bruises on his beautiful face and body. I clasp my mouth with my hands to cover my crying but they rather came out as unpleasant muffles.

"This can't be happening" I cried. "How? Why?"

"He was on his way to meet you after you left him" Ashton said. "Doctor said his life is hanging on a thin thread. He could give up any moment from now."

I did this. I was the cause of my child's death and now Andrew's? "Please wake up. Please don't do this to me" I said shaking him. His hands fell to his sides lifelessly and then the life monitor went into a straight line and the beeping was replaced with a pitch noise. Last time I heard that sound was when my dad died. Andrew can't die. He can't.

"Andrew no..no..no" I screamed holding him tight. "Please come back to me. I love you. Please, don't leave me like this. We promised to be with each other forever. Andrew you know I never want to stay a minute without you. It's been hell all these years but I don't want to wait any longer, please come back."

You'll never know what you have till you lose. I've been such a fool and making excuses why we shouldn't be together but now that I've lost him forever, made me realize life is too short to waste on hate and pain. I should have spent every second with him instead on pressing on the past.

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