Loving The Devil {Chapter Twenty Five}

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Andrew pov
After staying on the beach for hours, went inside to have breakfast with Nana. She was more than happy to see us on good terms. I wouldn't lie, she is more happy than me about this relationship.

I'm so happy she likes Yvette. I'm not sure there is anyone in my circle who doesn't like her. For someone not to like Yvette the person must either be stupid, jealous, insecure or have psychological disorder.

Right now, I promised to drive her around the ocean with my water scooter and teach her surfing. She was changing into her bikini, that I bought for her. It was an army green swimming trunk with orange straps. She looked hot in it. I was in an army green beach swimming shorts with white ropes.

"Shall we?" I asked her and she nodded wearing a very short shorts to cover her bikini pants.

I gave her a safety life jacket and wore mine. I dragged the scooter to the waters before getting on it. Yvette hesitating sat down on the back, holding my torso tightly like I would let her fall. With a small smirk, I turned on the engine and did a small movement that made her yelp as I began to laugh. She hit my back head to shut up and I did but I couldn't help but smile.

I started driving deep into the ocean, far way from the shore so that all she could see was in the middle of ocean.

"Do you like the view?" I asked her stopping the scooter.

She looked around and nodded "The water is so beautiful especially with the sun shining on it" she smiled.

She looked at me and a mischievous smile played on her lips as if she was promising trouble. "I want to drive" she said.

"Hell no" I told.



"Pretty please?"


"Arghh. We'll make out on the beach"

"Sold" she burst out laughing, probably because of how cheap I was.

We switched places and she held the handle as the scooter roared to life.

"Hold on tight" she said.

"Please I've been on this thing for..... AHHH!!!" I gripped on her waist tightly as she started driving at an insane speed back to the shore.

Was this how I was going to die? On the sea, in the middle of nowhere? I shouldn't have let her drive, the horny part of me would be my death.

I closed my eyes shut till I felt us slowing down. I jumped down from the scooter when we were close to the shore. Yvette came down smoothly, like if she did nothing.

"That was fun" she smiled.

"When I was driving was the 'fun', when you started driving was no fun, it was a suicide mission. I should call the cops on you for attempted murder" I frowned.

"You're exaggerating" she laughed. "Can you teach me surfing now?" She asked.

"No. We are done for today" I said and she pouted. "And by the way, you promised me sex" I reminded her.

"Make-out" she corrected.

"Same thing" I said making her roll her eyes.

She pulled her shorts and she was left in her bikini "I want to swim" she said running into the water. I groaned following her inside the water.

We swam around, splashing water on each other and before you knew it, out tongues were down each other throats. We took it back to the shore and made out till when the sun went down, her legs was wrapped around my torso as we went back inside the room with our sandy bodies.

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