Loving The Devil {Chapter Twenty}

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Yvette pov

I got downstairs and everyone I came across wished me well. My parents, Micheal, Ashton, Lewis and even Anna has called to wish me happy birthday. I looked at the living room and saw gifts in the living room. Probably my parents wedding gifts.

"I thought the wedding gift were packed to the guest room?" I asked Maddie who was tasting a piece of cake and putting some in my mouth.

"It's delicious" I moaned.

"It is. Go cover the cake" she ordered the chef "Your parents gifts are in the guest room" she said.

"Did more come in? Cause this seems like a whole new set or even more" I said trying to find a space to sit.

"This is yours" Maddie said and I laughed at the her joke but she just looked at me as if I had ran mad.

She wasn't joking.

"All this is mine?" I asked and she nodded. I was beyond surprise, surprise would be an understatement.
There was nothing that wasn't here. Clothes, shoes, bags, teddy bears, chocolates, birthday cards, jewelries, name any girl's dream gift it was here.

"This is not all, more will arrive this night for those coming to your birthday" Maddie explained.

I must be dreaming.

Skye was next person to walk close to me, so I pinched her to ensure I wasn't dreaming.

She yelped "What was that for?" She asked rubbing her hand.

"To see if this is all a dream" I muttered.

"You are meant to pinch yourself. Like this" she pinched me back making me yelp.

"Let's have breakfast" Maddie shouted from the dining section "Y'all get your ass to the dining"

"Finally" I shouted before I ran to the dining.

The table was filled with an 'all you can eat morning buffet'.

Today has to be the best day of my life.

I sat down at the head where my dad normally sits. I picked a plate and serve my self some pancakes with chocolate syrup and some sausage.

I cut a took a large cut from the pancake and ate it before I moaned.

Skye started to chuckle "Your love for food is another thing entirely"

"And she still has amazing body" Jane said amused.

I ignored their gossips and focused on my one true love.

"Better stuff your stomach up. Cause your only going to be eating very little at lunch, so you could fit into your gown" Maddie warned.

Did my mom leave her spirit inside her?

"Okay mom" I joked and she just rolled her eyes at me.

"By the way. Mrs Styles offered you come to her hotel for a spa treatment with her. Birthday privileges"

I almost choked on my food.

"What?" I asked with my eyes shone.

"Aww. That's nice, a birthday spa treatment with your boyfriend's mother" Charlie cooed.

"Her boyfriend? Yvette you didn't tell me you guys were together now" Jane said rushing her words and slightly gripping her napkin.

"They aren't together officially yet but it's just a matter of time. He just got to ask" Skye said and I blushed.

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