Loving The Devil {Chapter Twenty-Three}

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A/N: ⬆️Incase you were wondering how long Yvette's hair was ❤️

Andrew pov
She said yes. I have a fucking girlfriend. My first and only girlfriend. God I was so nervous she would say no.. I was having a mental debate with myself.

I had this all planned 3 days ago. I took blessings from her parents and her friends. And they gave me in a blink of an eye.

When I told my parents they were happy for me and my mom had to make it more dramatic by crying. I remembered when I told her and her response.

"Finally you fool. It's about time" she cried in my dad's arm.

"Don't you dare break her heart. Or I'll break your bones" she added.

And I was thinking I was her son.

I had everything planned out perfectly with the help of Maddie and Skye, all I had to do was ask. I was being so calm about it till it got to the main day, her birthday. With the way I as nervous I could have easily ruined everything.
When it got to the night of the party, I knew I was done for. How can someone be that beautiful? I know I'm handsome but why am I feeling way inferior to this girl?
I couldn't actually believed she sang back and when she said yes. It broke down every muscle in my body. She had me weak in the kneels.

Even though I did not show it, I knew I had fallen deeply for her.

"I have one last surprise for you after your party" I whispered to her and she nodded with a huge smile.

She walked back in with a big smile and went to the stage where the MC told her something.

"Thank you everyone for coming. I couldn't imagine a more perfect night than this, I never imagined a perfect life at all but you all made it possible for me. To my family, friends, school mates and well wishers thank you all very much, I'm forever grateful. Good night" she said and everyone clapped while people started leaving slowly. Some had the chance to greet or talk to her before I stole her away and took her from the crowd.

I took her to my car and drove her to the surprise venue. I know it was too much but she should learn to expect too much from me. She was extraordinary and deserves extraordinary love and gifts.

I blind folded her at some point before I continued the drive once we got there I removed the blindfold from her eyes.

She laughed a little "Where are we?" She looked around the compound. The compound was covered in artificial grass. It had a smooth drive-way and a white tiles for waking. Apart from that everywhere was covered in grass. There were few trees and plants in the compound.
She looked at the beautiful glass house and she was in awe. The other walls of the building were white.



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