Loving The Devil {Chapter Twenty Eight}

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A/N: I'm sorry for the late update. I'm really working on it. I'm going to try releasing at least three chapters before the end of a week. I think that'll will work faster. Pls keep on reading and enjoy the novel. 😙❤️
Secondly, kindly bring in more viewers/readers  and remember to vote and comment per chapters. Thank you, y'all.😍


Yvette pov

"Do you have everything packed?" Andrew asked me.

"Yeah" I said. "I should be back in 10days. I don't really need much." I said hugging him.

"I hate your job" he said softly against my neck.

"I know you do. I'll try to be back before your birthday" I said back.

"It's nothing big. I just want you home with me, I don't need anything else" he said back.

"I know that" I kissed him and he kissed back "Bye, I love you" I said making my way into the plane.

"I love you too" he said before leaving.

I got settled in on my father's private jet before it took off. It was a 5 hours flight to NewYork but it was quite comfortable since there was food and movie available. When I got to NewYork, a small girl wearing a pink coat and pink boots was waiting for me at the hanger. It was my favorite little person, Anna.

"Yvette!" She squealed running to hug me and I effortlessly caught her in my arms giving her a big hug.

"I missed you so much" she said.

"I missed you too" I smiled at her.

"Let's go. I want to show you my doll house" she said pulling my arms.

"Okay" I told her before following her to her pink Range Rover... an actual car. She's just five but she has a car, I'm not sure I was able to differentiate a car and a bicycle when I was five.

All through our way to the Styles family house in New York, Anna never shut up. Not that I'm complaining but for a young girl with such small lips and little body damn did she have the energy of a horse.

We got to the Skye mansion and damn it was big, I'm not sure which is bigger, the one in Seattle or the one in New York. This one was pretty much complex.


Anna dragged me inside the house, if you think the outside was amazing, the interior was just breathtaking

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Anna dragged me inside the house, if you think the outside was amazing, the interior was just breathtaking. It was a white and gold interiors decorations and white painted wall with patterns. There were stairs in the enormous living room leading to different part of the house.

Yep, this house is bigger than the one in Seattle.

I was busy admiring the house when I heard the clicking of heels. It was Lilian and she looked beautiful as always. She was wearing a beautiful classy green dress and black heels. She wore a minimal makeup of only a lipgloss but her brown hair was curled and packed in a ponytail backwards. She looks sexy for a lady her age.

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