Loving The Devil {Chapter Nineteen}

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Yvette pov

I heard some noises in my sleep but I did not want to open my eyes. Morning sleep feels so good.

"Is she awake?" I heard a voice saying as it got closer to my room.

The door was pushed opened with so much aggression causing me to jump up from my sleep due to shock.

"Bitch get the fuck up" Charlie shouted entering my room along with Maddie and Skye.

"What the hell?" I grumbled softly, going back to my sleeping position.

"Is she going back to sleep again?" Charlie asked rhetorically as I snuggled closer to my pillow.

"Bitch get the fuck up" Charlie shouted dragging my duvet away from my body.

I shivered as the morning cold kissed my skin.
"Get up" he shouted in my ears.

"Fine. Fine. I'm up" I said raising my hands in mock surrender.

"Good. Now drag your ass to the bathroom and get washed up" Charlie ordered.

I got up from the bed, dragging my body to the bathroom, scratching my butt. Immediately I got to the bathroom, I sat on the toilet lid to resume my sleep.

The toilet door opened and it was Charlie, again. "Skye did say you would be sleeping"

Before I could process what was going on, he threw ice water on my face. I shrieked in shock, fully awake.

"That did the trick" he smirked. "Hurry up. It's already 7am" he ordered.

After I was done brushing my teeth, I had my bath washing my hair in the process. I dried my body and did the best I could to my hair before slipping on my robe.

"Okay sit down" Maddie ordered. I obeyed without complain "Charlie do your business"

Charlie started cleaning my face with baby wipers before doing the main deal. My makeup was really classy; Charlie applied a nude eyeshadow and double eyeliner of black and silver with bush nude lipstick.

He curled my long blonde hair and wrapped it very beautifully to fall on my back.


Finally, Skye assisted me in wearing the gown

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Finally, Skye assisted me in wearing the gown. It's just as I described last time, the gown was absolutely beautiful especially with the makeup and everything being ready.



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