Loving The Devil {Chapter Seven}

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Andrew's pov
"Please forgive me" Ashton shouts as he runs round my house with me hot on his tail.

This is the day I'd commit murder. I'm gonna kill Ashton.

He runs into an empty room and lock the door. I banged on the door "Open the damn door" I shouted.

"No" he shouted back. He was breathing heavily for some mere running.

"You can stay there till your beard turns grey, but as soon as you get out you are dead meat."

You might wonder why I'm chasing after Ashton. I was having the best time till Ashton came along. After Yvette pecked me yesterday I refused to bathe, so I wouldn't wash off the place where she kissed me.

What?! Sue me.

I was too excited to sleep and finally I gave in, and let me tell you, it was the best sleep I ever had. This graceful morning I was dreaming about you know who. And we were about to kiss, her face was inches near mine, then Ashton woke me up, slapping me on the part where she kissed me yesterday.

So that's two crime. Obstructing my dream and cleaning where she kissed me with a slap. He is so dead.

I walked back to my room furiously. I did my morning routine and selected a dark blue button up shirt and grey jeans.

I took an apple and went to my garage, I noticed Ashton's cars wasn't there, maybe he left. I choose my Range Rover. I got at the back seat and allowed my driver to take me to school. I was actually nervous to see Yvette, we almost kissed last night, will she consider it as nothing?

I arrived at school so fast, I'm not ready to see her. So I walked into our personal room with a face cap to hide my face. Just as I entered the room three pair of eyes were on me.

"What?!" I shouted

"Ashton told us you've been acting all dangerous" Lewis spoke up and I glared at Ashton.

I started chasing Ashton again and he was running round the room till Micheal pulled me back and sat me down, Ashton was standing at the far end, away from me.

Michael sighed. "What did you do again, Ashton?" He asked

"Nothing I know of" Ashton replied. Some nerve of this boy.

"What did he do Andrew?" Micheal asked me. I was about to speak but if I tell them it will be so embarrassing and they will surely mock me.

"Ashton ate my nana's pie that she made for me" I lied.

And they all looked at me as if I had gone crazy. "That issue was since last two months" Lewis shouted.

"Does that mean what he did was justified?" I asked and folded my hands like a baby

Ashton took a deep breath "I'm sorry man."

"Okay" but inside I'm not okay. He killed my dream.

Michael placed his phone on his ear after dialing some digits "Hey baby— I've been thinking Friday will be fine for our date"

Date? Yvette!

"— So Friday at 7pm— Okay, bye" he ended the call

"Yvette agreed to go on a date with me" he announced with a full grin.

My heart fell to my stomach. It was obvious the peck on the cheek was nothing. Here I was thinking I was the player but Yvette so much better. I always thought I was better than Michael, but here I am being rejected. The only girl I am interested in, is not interested in me. I always wanted to deny this feelings but it is so clear to me.

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