Loving The Devil {Chapter Nine}

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Yvette's pov
I woke up with an alarming headache. I just had the worst dream, I went out on a date with Micheal and then he asked me to be his girlfriend, I said yes. Then mom called that dad was in the hospital.. I rushed there to see dad. He told me he loved me and he...

I shoot up from the bed that I realized is not my bed and saw I was wearing the gown from my dream, I saw Andrew looking at me with worries. He had terrible eye-bags like he didn't slept all through the night.

"How am I—" I asked confused

"You don't remember a thing?" Andrew asked taking a sit on the bed next to me. I'm trying so hard to remember but my mind just keeps playing on the dream.

"I don't remember anything, the only thing I can remember is a weird dream about me and Micheal on a date, my dad confirming his..." I looked up to see Andrew eyes filled with sad emotions.

"It's not true, right? That was only a dream. Please tell me that was only a dream" I pleaded looking at Andrew tiresome eyes

"I'm sorry Yvette" He said

"No" I said in disbelief. I'm sure it was only a dream. It can't be "it was meant to be a dream. Where is my dad?" I shouted

"He's in the morgue. I'm sorry Yvette" he said hugging me. Unstoppable tears flowed down my eyes without control as I hugged him back. I started crying so loud and Andrew was there comforting me. Before I knew it I was rocked back to sleep.
When I woke up again. Andrew has already changed into a t-shirt and brought an oversized hoodie for me, probably his. He brought me coffee and pizza but I was barely able to eat despite the fact I was hungry.

Andrew have a lot of movie marathons. And told me to pick, I chose the Disney marathon. Everything was okay a bit till I watch the death scene of Mufasa dying in presence on his son Simba. Just like the way my father died at my very eyes.

Tears slipped from my eyes and I wipe them away with my hands.

"Hush. It's alright" Andrew said pulling me into a bear hug "The sun will come out tomorrow bet your bottom dollar that tomorrow, there'll be sun. Just thinkin' about tomorrow, clear away the cobwebs and the sorrow, 'til there's none..."
Andrew kept on singing for me and I must say it helped me. His voice was sweet and relaxing and the way his chest vibrates on my head as I'm resting, makes it feeling he's singing from his heart.

"Where's my mom?" I asked while Andrew was tucking me inside the bed like I was a baby.

"She's said she's going to meet a friend. She'll be back by tomorrow for the funeral" He explained. I could only nod.

I know mom feels the pain as much as I do. She loved dad with every beat of her heart and now he's gone. Forever. It's really sad I couldn't see dad growing old and using the wheelchair and me threatening him to take him to a bad nursing home. He couldn't even stay for my birthday. I brought out the necklace from my purse and stared at it. It was beautiful. I wore the necklace and held the pendant for a while.

"Everything will be okay" Andrew assured me and gave me a peck on the forehead "Good night pumpkin" he said and making his way to the door.

"Andrew?" I called and he turned around almost immediately "Thank you for everything" I said

"No problem" he said with a soft smile and left.
It took me hours before I could sleep


I was in a white building then I saw a dark brown hair just like me dad

"Dad?" I saw a figure standing just like dad and when he turned it was him.

"Hey princess" he smiled

"Why did you have to leave me and mom? Why did you leave me?" I asked and dad gave me a weak smile.

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