Loving The Devil {Chapter Thirty Nine}

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Yvette pov

The past two days has been scary for me, for Andrew, for our friends and for our family. Now that everyone knows that there's a possibility of Michael being the father to my baby. My parents already knew the news before I did and my mother is between furious, confused and sad while daddy is just too conserve about this issue.

While my friends are just purely furious and sympathetic, mostly Skye. I knew she held the urge to say I told you about Jane. She was ready to go over Jane's house and give her an actual beating after she nearly hurt my baby, I had to beg her and after half an hour she finally let go but she said that if Jane throws another snarky comment at me, she's gonna commit murder.

Now I'm placed on bedrest and Andrew has been taking care of me but I could feel the distance between us. I know he's been stressed out, I can see him in it and I'm scared.

What if he isn't the father of my child? What's going to happen? This marriage is only happening because I'm pregnant for him and we love each other.

Most of the times, he's in deep thoughts and I know it's all about this currents issue. I'm scared, I'm very scared and everyone has tried telling me not to panic because of the health of my baby but I can't help it. How can I not panic? My ex claims he's the father of my child and my fiancé is not? The girl that I call my friend stabbed me in the back to put all this in plot. I want them locked up for drugging me. I'm going to talk to my parents today and tell him I need a lawyer.

My life was going so perfectly. First week of May, I was going to be married and by November I'll have my complete family. We could have been so happy.

"Stop saying could. It might still happen" a tiny voice in my head said.

Exactly. I need to stop this negative attitude but something in the way Micheal and Jane said it made it clear they weren't joking around with us. Even Lucia went ahead and told me parents and the devil doesn't joke.

"Yvette let's go" Andrew soft voice brought me out of reality.

Yvette. No more pumpkin. No more baby. No more babe. Just Yvette.

I nodded my head before I followed him to the car. He opened the passenger door for me and I got in without arguing like the other times. He went to his seat quietly and buckled himself up.

Soon enough, we were on the road going to meet our families in the hospital for a paternity DNA test. I can't imagine looking at the Styles, Nana and Lilian would be so disappointed in me, they given me kindness and love and this is how I repay them. I don't even know what my next step is if Micheal is my baby's daddy and I know the discussion is going to have to happen between me and Andrew first. I've been stalling for so long about the question but I need to ask it.

"Andrew" I said almost inaudibly but Andrew heard me.

"Yes?" He answered keeping his eyes on the road.

For a moment, I prayed he ignored me and then I would just be the coward I am and shut up "What will happen if Micheal's is the father?"

He inhaled a sharp breath and his body tensed up, he held the steering wheels so tight, his knuckles were white. "I don't know honestly" he said,

I let out a heavy sigh before holding his tensed shoulder "Just know whatever happens, I'm going to be with you and fight for us" I said holding his shoulder.

He looked at me for a few seconds and gave me a small smile. We arrived at the hospital and not the usual one I do my checkups. My parents chose this one themselves, so the test results will be accurate.

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