Loving The Devil {Chapter Forty Five}

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Andrew pov
"This meeting is dismissed" I said and everyone got up before I did. I shook hands with our business partner that we just finished making a good deal with. I walked out of the meeting room back to my office with my secretary trying to keep up with me.

Once we were at the door of my office "Mister Styles?" Flora, my secretary called out. Flora has been my secretary since last year when I was made Vice President of my family company. She's nice and much older than me, so I give her the respect she deserves.


She cleared her throat nervously "I have a date sir tonight and I was wondering if I could leave early?" She asked shyly.

Why is she so shy to ask me? I know I look intimidating but I'm not that harsh. Yvette taught me to be nice to everything that breaths and I'm going to keep following that.

"Of course. I was even planning to set you on a blind date myself. You're too old to be single" I joked and she laughed.

"Not everyone is as lucky as you sir. You almost got married at nineteen" she laughed but I didn't laugh back.

I would have been so happy by now. An amazing and beautiful wife with a 3years old daughter. We would have been a happy family.

"I'm so sorry sir" Flora said, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"It's alright, Flora" I said before going into mg office.

I sat down on my intimidating chair that symbolize the power I owned.

Vice President of Styles empire.

I pulled my tie away from my neck, before my eyes scanned the small framed picture of Yvette on my desk.

A beautiful random picture of her with her cute dimples on display. She's so perfect and it's comfortably scary that my feelings for her never died. I'm still madly in love with her and I miss her badly.

The fact that she's happy and successful, is something I'm very proud of. She's one of the most successful models right now and she has money of her own. Last week she won Miss USA and she was representing Seattle with pride but I still don't know if she's on her healing process. I'm scared of seeing her what if she runs from me away like I'm plague again. I can't stand it.

My door clicked open before the closing sound, I looked up to see Ashton and Lewis.

Ashton is a Vice Chairman of his dad's company. While Lewis is studying for his PhD. He still wants to be a doctor.

"Sup mate" Ashton said.

I narrowed my eyes at him "I don't sound like that."

"I don't sound like that" he mimicked my English accent.

After all this years, he's still fucking annoying. I can't believe this guy is actually a very important person in America.

I decided to drop the matter as the responsible person and change the topic. "How's Skye?" I asked.

He looked at me unconvinced "Are you really asking about Skye or Yvette?"

Although he seems foolish but he actually smart.

"You can't deny it" Lewis said.

I groaned "How's Yvette? Have you heard anything from her?" I asked eagerly.

"I hear from her everyday" Lewis said.

"I think it's time you cut the crap, you guys are like a ticking time bomb and it wouldn't take long before you know.. explode. I think it's time you be the bigger person and approach her."

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