Loving The Devil {Chapter Five}

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Yvette pov
This was completely fake, it was made up to upset me.

"I never said that" I defended.

Tracy shake her head "But it seemed so".

"Who- who the hell did this?!" I shouted. The whole school probably sees me as a whore.

"Oh you know who, your crush" she mocked. Andrew. The mother-fucking asshole set me up, he wanted to shame me.

"Did you or did you not say you liked Andrew Styles?" Tracy questioned me and I flashed back to last night

"Yeah- yea-yes, but I never said-" I stuttered.

Tracy cut me off, turning around to the students who circled us for gossip. "It is true this little pig threw herself at our beloved King. She's a whore" Tracy announced while the students nodded their head in belief.

They glared at me, starting a rant 'You are a whore. You are a whore. You are a whore.'

I was so scared, it seemed like no one was on your side, my eyes failed me by the tears running down my face. I pushed myself through the crowd and made my way to the library, people hardly come here by the way since it was at the top floor, the elevator was broken, so they had to use the stairs and they hated the stress, even I hated the stress but at this point in time stairs wasn't my problem.

I leaned at one of the bookshelves and cried my eyes out. I never said any of that but that fake clip begged to differ and I'm now consider the school's cheap slut.

I hate it. I hate this school, I hate him.


The bloody son of a bitch set me up. That's why he forced those 'I like you' out off me. He needs to pay and only him will be able to stop this nonsense.

A sense of boldness hit me and I went straight to his game room or whatever he calls it.

He was sitting down laughing at whatever they were talking about, how dare laughs at this situation.

"Son of a bitch!" I screamed walking and standing at his front.

He smirked standing to his feet, he looked at me from up.

Damn this boy is tall.

"Glad you came, couldn't stop thinking about you".

"Is your family name 'Styles' really affecting you?" I asked glaring at him.

"How?" He questioned.

"Because either you are being stupid or sick in your head" I shouted.

All I could hear from his stupid friends were 'Ohhh' 'Burn' 'Damn'.

I could see him boiling with anger and he was trying to control. This gave me pleasure.

"What of you Whites. Whore" he said.

"Let me tell you something, I don't care because you and I know that I'm not a whore and I definitely do not like you. Where is your proof?" I yelled.

"Oh, I'm pretty sure it was in the voice note" he smirked. I really wish to wipe that smirk off his face.

"You are going to pick up your goddamn phone and tell them it was a false and lame joke" I said slowly not looking at him.

"Make me" he challenged.

God help me.

I kicked him hard where the sun doesn't shine and he fell to the ground in pain holding his future.

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