Loving The Devil {Chapter Six}

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Andrew pov
I thought sleeping will help me from this 'Yvette trauma' but it did not help. I only thought about her more this morning. I kept seeing her face, her bright eyes and beautiful smile. I wanted to use her for sex but she's more than that, I don't know why but she's more than that. I need to talk to  someone about this, but who? I could ask Michael but he's my rival, he wants her just as much as I do. I would ask Ashton he's an idiot but he always has solutions to most problems.

I got my car keys and drove to Ashton's. I parked at his garage next to his BMW. I got down and knocked on his door.

"I'm coming!" He yelled. I could hear his running footsteps.

He opened the door "What's up? Come in" he opened the door wider for me to come in. He closed the door after I was in. I took one of his chairs and sat down.

"Champagne?" He asked me and I nodded in reply.
He came back with a bottle of wine and two glasses before he sat down at another chair at my side.

"What's up?" He asked again.

"Umm..." I trailed off.

He cocked his eyebrows "You are nervous? But you never get nervous. Did you kill someone?" He gasped.

"No!" I said. This is why I said he's an idiot "It's about this girl."

"Ohhh.. A girl?" He smirked

I nodded "I don't know what's wrong with me but it hurts and bothers me every time she rejects me. I'm rich and good looking but she doesn't want me, normally I would let go but she's toying with my mind, I can't seem to let her go. I want to but I can't" I said weakly at the last part. I feel I'm in therapy.

He smiled "Let me guess, this girl is Yvette" He said with a sly smile.

I looked at him wide eyes "How did you know?" I asked.

"It's obvious, you seem to like her. You talk about her all day. You even went as far to putting cameras in all her classes and damn the way you stare at her like she's food."

Am I that obvious?

"Okay okay. But my question is why?" I buried my head in my hands.

"Because you like her" he said.

"I do not like her. I'm just fond of her, I want her to be near me at all time, that's just it, but I don't know how to make that happen, she hates me" I sighed.

"I'm sure she doesn't" he breathed.

I laughed a little "Oh, I'm 99.9% sure of that" he sighed in defeat.

"If you want to get closer to her try starting from the scratch" he said calmly "Try being friends with her."

"How can I be friends with her?" I can't be friends with her, I'm sure I don't want friendship but something closer.

"Just come straight, apologize and don't say 'I apologize for my wrong doings', say 'sorry' and then ask her to be friends but don't ask her on a date or outing yet, after some days of proving you are worthy of her friendship you could ask her out 'if' you like her" he took a sip out of his champagne.

This is a lot to take in and I'm seeing her tomorrow at school. I can't do this, what if she rejects me or what if I blew it?

"I know what you need. A lap dance, let's go to the club" he smirked.

"I'm not really in the mood" I mumbled. I emptied my glass and got up "I should get going."

Ashton helped me get the door and I left. When I got home, I stood at my mirror to practice what I was going to say. I look foolish and it's all because of Yvette.

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