Loving The Devil {Chapter Forty Three}

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Andrew pov
I don't think I've ever cried this much in my entire life. Knowing that Yvette and my baby's lives are in danger is the worse feeling ever. She's been in the ER (Emergency Room) for about 15 minutes and it frightening. I can't possibly bring myself to imagine the horrible reports. Seeing the way she was bleeding on her head and legs was horrifying.

Her parents and mine are here but I don't give a shit about them. The Drew family event dared to show their ugly heads but Timothy and my dad stood up to them. I really don't give a shit if they stayed or left, they were the least of my problems. All I want to hear is that my girls are alright.

When Yvette mentioned the word daughter, my heart couldn't help but swell with joy and I can't afford to loose her. Yvette cannot afford to loose her.

The doctor came out of the ER and damn his face is not anywhere near encouraging. I know it seems immature but my finger are crossed... literally.

I was already on my feet before the doctor came. "Doctor, how is she and my baby?" I said.

"She's in a critical condition. She's has lost a lot of blood from her head but we've managed to stop the bleeding. She needs to go through an operation" He said.

My heart is beating rapidly. I'm scared, very scared.

"What of my baby? Please tell me, she's okay?" I begged.

The doctor let out a deep sigh.

"Unfortunately, we lost the baby, sir. The impact of the hit was too strong for the baby to manage. We are sorry sir"

I dropped on my knees with tears streaming down face nonstop.

I lost my baby. Yvette lost her baby. And it's all because of Micheal and his mother. What I feel right now is more than physical pain. If I was give a year to write the sort of pain I'm feeling, It would still be unexplainable.

I should have been with her, maybe if I had stayed with her rather than giving up on her, our baby would still be alive. I'm going to ruin the Drew's family with everything that I have. Micheal would regret the day he ever came to this earth.

"We are moving her the O.R" the doctor said. "I advise you to calm down and be strong. Miss Yvette is going to need all the support she can get" he said before he could turn his back to leave, I stood up.

"Doctor save her or you'll loose everything you have" I said calmly but the venom in my threat was not lost. I could see the doctor physically gulp.

I need his full focus in saving Yvette. I can't afford him making a mistake.

"I'll do my best sir" with that the doctor left.

I sat down on one of the chair, burying my head into my hands. I felt a hand hold my shoulder.

"I'm so sorry son" I heard my mom say.

"It's all my fault" I whispered as my whole body began to shake.

"No it's not. You had no idea" my mother said.

"I never checked up on her. I knew she was on a high risked pregnancy and I still left her, when she needed me the most" I sobbed.

"Stop blaming yourself. It was those bloody scoundrel- the Drews. They are to be blamed for this" my mother said.

"I really hope she doesn't hate me. I wouldn't be able to forgive myself"

"If you love her and if she loves you, I'm completely sure there is nothing to worry about. And I'm a 110% sure Yvette loves you" my mother said with a small reassuring smile.

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