Loving The Devil {Chapter Forty Four}

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Yvette pov
**Five months later**

I looked through my wardrobe searching for the perfect outfit to wear this night. I was going to a dinner ball tonight, I got the invite from Noah. He suggested it was a good way to go back into my career since it's a rich people gathering.

I took the invite openly, I'm done sulking at home. My body is back in shape and even a lot better. A little more curve where needed. I never got to the stage of stretch marks when I was pregnant, so it was alright.

I heard some mumbling from downstairs and it sounded like Skye, Snow was already on her way to the meet her, barking along. I didn't bother going to meet her, she'll find her way.

My room door opened and as expected, she shouted.

"What the fuck happened? Where you robbed?" She walked into my large waking closet to find me sitting on the floor helplessly.

"I can't find anything to wear" I sighed.

"You have thousands of dinner gown in there, you can't seriously say that" she said.

"Unfortunately I can." I replied.

She rubbed her forehead in frustration "I actually got you something. I didn't expect much from you in finding an outfit."

My lips formed into a full smile before jumping to hug her.

Skye has been the only person with me since I lost my baby. She moved with me to California and was staying with me. She goes to Seattle from time to time to meet Ashton and her parents but she's often in California. She's also running one of my father branch in California. It was surprising he trust her that much, although I knew he was using it to get to me.

A lot has happened over the past five months. Lucia went to prison for murder both attempted and actual murder, running a drug cartel between America and Italy and also illegal embezzlement of money from the government. She was sentenced to life imprisonment but she didn't even last two months before getting into trouble with one of the prisoners who beat her almost to the point of death. She's currently in a vegetable state because it affected her brain. Before going to jail she did the worse she could which was revealing my father's secret.

Turns out there was a genesis of why my late adopted father was poor. I knew he was financially stable when I was much younger but his company was bankrupt and it turns it wasn't out of mismanagement or fate. It was my biological father Timothy.

I didn't want to believe it at first but daddy was tired of lying and admit it himself. The truth caused a lot of trouble in his business and in his personal life. Even mom was shocked and beyond upset and it led to a huge misunderstanding in their marriage but they are fine now, I suppose. As for me and him, we aren't even talking anymore, but to the world, we are one big happy family. His business is a lot better now and it seemed like he even expanded.

As for Michael, he's out of the country and presently in Italy with his mother after the misfortune that happened. His father on the other hand, is still in America trying to place their family reputation back in order. I feel pity for him since he had no hands in this but as I had once said 'there is enough blame to go around.'

"Where is the dress?" I asked eagerly.

"It's on your bed" Skye answered.

I rushed back into my room to see a beautiful wine dinner gown. It was an off-shouldered gown with a little touch of silver on the hands and the side of the gown. There was a high slit at the side making the dress in a single word... dope. Over the times, Skye has been a magnificent and she grows day by day. It's gives me to joy to see how much she has grown. Her wish before was to be recognized at my dad's company but now I can see in a few years from now, she'll have her own brand.

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