Loving The Devil {Chapter Thirty}

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Yvette pov
Guess where I am right now? In a Victoria fucking Secret shop looking for a perfect lingerie for tomorrow's night. It has to be perfect, if I'm going to loose my virginity at least it should be worth doing well.

Pink lingerie.

Nah too childish, who am I? Anna.

Red lingerie.

I'm not a fucking porn star.

Black. Heh...

Now what style of black.

Straps? Strapless? Half cupped? Full cupped? Net? Lace?

With a groan I rested my head on the racks. I've been in this store for over an hour.

You can do this Yvette. Should I just go complete naked?Oh god my head hurts.

Someone tapped my shoulders softly but enough to startle me since I was in deep thoughts.

"Hey. Do you need help?" She asked me. She was wearing a tag so she obviously works here.

"Yes" I quickly said. "What would you wear for your first night of loosing your virginity?" I asked her and she looked taken aback at my question. "Not for me. On behalf of a friend's friend" I gave an awkward laugh to ease my lie but the girl in front of me just gave me an all-knowing smile that if words could explain it will probably be 'I know you are the one. You bloody whore'

"Well, I'll help you in exchange of something" she smirked.

"What is it? Money? My shoes?" I asked her desperately.

"Sign my magazine and let's take a selfie" she smiled.

"Is that all?" I asked her shocked. I was expecting more honestly.

"I wouldn't mind the shoes" she smiled. I looked at my sneakers and back her.

There it is.

"Sure. Give me something sexy but not BDSM shit. Just something perfect" I told her.

"Got you" she smiled.

She led me to a rack and after plenty choices I found the perfect one. I paid for the lingerie before taking a selfie with the girl and signing her magazine. She followed me to my car, so I could take off my sneakers and I did, as promised.


I was walking into the Styles mansion when my phone rang. I looked at the caller ID which was Jane. It's been so long we talked and it was a video call.

"Hey" she said.

"Hi" I told her back "You dyed your hair?"

I loved her natural red hair, why did she have to dye it blonde. I know she's my friend but blonde doesn't look good on her.

"Yep. It looks great doesn't it?" She smiled.


"Yeah. It fits you" I lied through my teeth.

"Heard you were coming tomorrow morning?" She said.

"Yes" I answered.

"The party is going to be wild from what I've heard" she said.

"Of course it's wild. Andrew said it's like a high school party don't you remember how that is?"

"No. I never really went for a high school party. I always felt I wouldn't fit in" she said lowly. How could I forget and be so careless with my words?

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