Loving The Devil {Chapter Thirty Two}

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Andrew pov

Someone did this to us. To me. To my Yvette. I do know that whoever I slept with not rape. I keep having flashes but I can't put the puzzles together. I knew she was blonde, that's the only thing I can remember. For now. The only possible explanation is that I slept with Yvette but I don't know how I ended up back in my room.Yvette feels guilty and sorry but it's actually my fault. I should have stayed downstairs with my friends, I should have been cautious of what I ate, I should have not agreed to this party.

If I feel this much of a mess, I wonder how Yvette is feeling. First time in my life, I don't have a way of making it up to Yvette.

"What if you weren't the one who slept with her?" A small part of my whispered. This question has been coming to my mind occasionally and it troubles me. "They are lot of blonde out there and you didn't wake up in your room, that contradicts many things" the voice continued.

To be frank with myself, I can't see myself getting angry at Yvette if someone slept with her, she was drugged. Who I can see getting angry at is the bloody motherfucker who touched my girlfriend and if I find that unfortunate being, I'll kill him with my bare hands.

A soft knock on my door brought me out of my mental debate.

"It's opened" I shouted. The door opened to reveal Skye, she had a sympathetic smile on her face. Anyone who saw me write now would know I'm stressed out and having a mental breakdown.

"I think it would be better to talk to Yvette yourself. My poor friend is not in her right mind right now. She is barely talking, she's not eating and worse thing she blames herself."

"Why would she blame herself?"

"She said she was too reckless" Skye said softly as her eyes water "Anytime she thinks it was you, she would calm down a bit because she still loves you very much and she was planning to give you her virginity that night."

"She was?" I asked shocked.

"Yes. It was suppose to be a happy moment but things went upside down. The only problem she's having right now is what if it's not you" Skye said "She feels you will breakup with her and you wouldn't love her."


"I love her" I answered.

"Well, tell that to her and not me. She needs you now. She needs to know you have her back" Skye said. She turned around and left the room.

I sighed thinking of my next step. Her room was just opposite mine but seems like it's at a very far distance. Another flash came and I buried my hands in my head as the pain spread all over my head.

"I love you, pumpkin" I said to the blonde girl.

"Love you too boo" the girl answered.

Boo, that's the name she usually calls me, I was the one who slept with her. I let out a breath of relief.

I walked to her room and knocked before entering. Her friends were sitting around her on the bed.

"We'll give you guys some privacy" Maddie said as she got up along with Skye. Charlie on the other hand was still very much on the bed.

"Charlie, let's go" Maddie said through gritted teeth.

"He didn't ask for privacy. I think I should be here to make sure Yvette is okay" he said.

Maddie walked up to him and pulled him by the ears out of the room. Now it was just the two of us.

Yvette was sitting upright with her back on the headboard. She just kept on looking at her lap not sparing me a glance. I on the other hand was thinking how I should start with my apology.

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