Loving The Devil {Chapter Twenty-One}

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Andrew pov

I watched her every step till she sat at the black couch that was meant for her. She looks so beautiful, I was laughing with my friends before she arrived but when she showed up, I did a double take.

I couldn't even talk not less smile or laugh. Heck I'm not whether my heart slowed down or was beating so fast. I just looked at her like I've seen a real life angel and for that moment she was the only person that existed in this world.

Heck her beauty is out of this world.

The master of ceremony started said some things but I didn't not pay attention because I was so mesmerized by Yvette's beauty.

Like she should be arrested for looking that beautiful, isn't it a crime to steal attention and mess with someone's mind?

Some set of ballerinas wearing a swan outfit opened the occasion with their dance. Meanwhile, my whole focus was on the beautiful damsel that watched the performance with so much excitement and awe. The only time I got out of my trance was when I was everyone was clapping.

The party was planned amazingly. All sorts of dance was done and some famous musicians sang. Then it was time for her to cut the cake. She stood near her cake with a huge smile as everyone sang the regular happy birthday song for her. She cut her cake with a big smile before going back to sit down.

The M.C came back to the stage,

"Well this evening couldn't be more perfect. It's time for Yvette to have her 18 dances" he announced.

Yvette pov

Everything was lovely. My parents and Maddie did put their all in this, there was no flaw about the party. People say nothing is perfect but this was going to beat it.

The announcer came up again after I cut my cake "Well this evening couldn't be more perfect. It's time for Yvette to have her 18 dance"

I looked around confused.18 dances? What's that?

I knew Maddie told me I would be dancing a lot but why so specific on the number?

"Miss Smith please come to the dance floor" the MC said with a smile on his face.

I nervously got there and did little waves at people "Your first dance is with your dad" he announced. "He's not here so you are gonna be dance alone but he's going to watch you"


The projector that was once displaying my pictures stopped my pictures, then my parents face appeared. It was a video call.

"Hello princess" my dad said.

"Hi daddy" I smiled, waving at him.

"How are you enjoying your dad, sweetheart?" He asked with a gentle smile.

"It's perfect. I don't know how to thank you" I said truthfully.

Tears where welling up my eyes "Don't cry darling. in the actual sense, I'm the one thanking you, for accepting me and coming into my life" he said and everyone made poignant sounds.

"Now it's time for our first dance" he said and I looked at him confused and the instrumentalists started playing on a soft song on their instruments.

"How are we meant to dance?" I asked confused but the smile on my face did not stop.

"Just put your hands up in the air and twirl like I'm with you" he demonstrated making me giggle at how silly he looks.

"No problem" I giggled doing the same imaginary dance. After some minutes, my mom showed up wearing a funny hat that made her look like those Britain duchess that sips tea with an extremely small cup.

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