Loving The Devil {Chapter Forty One}

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Yvette pov
"How did I win?" I asked. Ashton, Lewis, Skye, Maddie and Charlie were in my apartment and they got pizza for me.

"Because people voted for you"!Ashton said with a scoff as he went for his tenth slice of pizza. Boy, this boy could eat.

I know I'm on my eighteenth slice but Im pregnant; feeding for two. What's his excuse?

"I know that" I said dryly. "I was thinking that Tracy would probably bribe her way to winning."

"Oh she did. She paid the officials and slept with one of them" Ashton said.

"So we paid the officials higher to let you win" Lewis added.

My brain went numbed but my mouth was still very alive "You did what?!" I screamed almost pissing in my pants.

"Chill decent pants. We only paid for the vote to actually count not to give you a free crown" Lewis chuckled. I visibly relaxed and just as I was to say something, the front door opened and Michael walked in.

"Hey" he said but no one graced him with a response.

"I'll leave now. I'm allergic to betrayals" Charlie said throwing a dirty look at Michael.

"Me too" Maddie said before she left with Charlie.

Now its just me, Skye, Ashton and Lewis against Michael. Ashton and Lewis were just visibly glaring at Michael and if looks could kill hed be 7feets under.

They openly renounced Michael as their friend cause of the crap he pulled up with me and Andrew. Lewis even gave him a beating and no one dared to hold him back. I feel bad that I've ruined their friendship, everything is my fault. There are so many regrets in my mind.

I shouldn't have dated Michael.

I shouldn't have hidden my feelings for Andrew for too long.

I shouldn't have been suddenly rich.

I shouldn't have saved that boy (Lucas Brown.)

I shouldn't have made Jane a friend.

I shouldn't have dated Andrew when Jane said she likes him.

I shouldn't have fallen in love.

So many 'I shouldn't' in my head after my life ended up in complete twist. The only thing I'm grateful for is my baby.

"I'm not allergic to betrayers. I'm just obsessed in attaching my fist to their jaw. Seeing you makes me want to repeat that action" Lewis seethed.

"I'm not here to start a fight. I'm just here to have a private discussion with Yvette about the wedding" my stomach twisted in knot at the mention of that word. I can't believe I agreed to spend the rest of my life with this douche bag.

Lewis and Ashton got up at the same time "Like that's going to happen. Every time you visit, her condition worsens. Only your face gives the girl the reason to be sick" Ashton said. Ashton is a sweet and jovial person but his angry side is not a good one, it gives me goose bumps like watching the scene of the bad guys evil plot.

"Aren't you ashamed about stealing your best friends girl?" Lewis asked in disbelief.

"Andrew stopped being a friend to me when she came along and he stole her away from me. He became my rival" Michael said.

"Can you shut the fuck up? Andrew never stole anyone away from you. You fucked another girl and we broke up" I said frustrated.

"It was a mistake. People makes mistakes move on" Michael replied. Oh he got nerves, talking about me moving on. There is nothing forward about my life right now.

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