Loving The Devil {Chapter Twenty-Two}

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Yvette pov

I gave Snow to Anna so she could help me hold her for a while. I thanked Ashton with a hug and a peck before he left and stood at the corner instead of going to his seat.
I looked at Skye who eyed him with rage.

I took the bottom of my lip in between my teeth to hold back a laugh.

"Did Skye Parker jut loose a fight?" I teased.

She looked back at me and rolled her eyes "Oh please, I
just let him"

"Sure you did" I said sarcastically. "What did you I get me?" I asked anxiously.

She smiled at me as her hazel eyes lit up "Something close to your heart" she said.

She brought out a scarf and I tilted my head a little "A scarf is something close to my heart?" I asked she burst out laughing.

"No silly" she laughed "The scarf is just a bonus package.. I made it with my very own hands" she smiled.
I took some moment to study the scarf it was a light blue scarf with purple and pink embroidery. It was beautiful truly.


"What's the main package?" I snapped.

"Chill" she said before clapping her hands twice and some staff brought out a trollies of food and snacks. All my favorite.

I gasp before running to the trollies. There was dozens of drumstick, Italians, Chinese, pizza, cupcakes, chocolates, ice cream, Pringles and so many more.

I picked up a chocolate chip cookie and took a bite and I melted. They are homemade.

"You made all this?" I asked and she nodded.

"I'm not exactly rich, so I just did the best I could" she chuckled.

"That's so sweet" I sobbed taking a bite of the muffin that had vanilla frosting.

"You have so much tears in your system. Are you made up of water?" She asked amused.

"Well I'll leave them in your room" she said and I quickly stuff my hands with cookies and cupcakes before waving them off.

I moaned as I took a bite of the strawberry cupcake. I closed my eyes as I felt closer to heaven.

"Yvette?" I opened my eyes to see Lewis parents.

Shit. I stuff my mouth and chewed fast.

Why don't black women fast?

Mrs Black looks like she's in her late twenties or early thirties but she just clocked her 41. Her skin was light brown and her eyes were almost black. She had wavy dark brown hair with gold tips probably extensions and she was thin and flat like a model. She was extremely beautiful.

Mister Black on the other hand was very handsome also. He was very tall and was bald. He wore glasses that were very mature but still cool. He had a one sided dimple if he smile or spoke.

"Hello Yvette. I'm sure this is our first time of meeting" Mrs Black said.

"Yes ma'am. It's an honor to meet you Mister and Misses Black" I smiled shaking them

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