Loving The Devil {Chapter Thirty One}

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Yvette pov
"You told me you couldn't make it" Andrew said.

I walked closer to him "I wanted to surprise you and I did get a reaction."

He hugged me "I hate you" he mumbled.

"Love you too big baby" I patted his back.

I looked to see the piece of garbage still sitting down and glaring at me.

"What are you waiting for? Move it" I told her.

She crossed her arms "I was here first" she said.

"And I'm here now as his girlfriend, scram" I said harshly.

She rolled her eyes before going to sit somewhere else.

"Thank you" Andrew whispered.

I glared at him "Just wait till we get home" he physically gulped at my threat. Why would he let this whore sit down near him.

"I didn't know what to get you since you probably have everything. So I got you a bracelet, it's a bit similar to mine" I said.

"Where is it?" He asked me eagerly.

"My box. I didn't carry a purse" I told him.

"Okay. Thanks pumpkin" he said to me.

After some minutes Andrew and the rest Kings went downstairs, he didn't want to leave me but I told him it was okay. I was feeling dizzy and my head was starting to spin. I only had 3 shots of vodka, I don't get high this easily, maybe I'm just tired from the flight. I shouldn't stay up all night with Andrew.

I thought the dizziness will be bearable but later I was barely able to keep my eyes opened.

"Are you alright?" someone asked me. I can't even see clearly but it sounded like Jane and I was seeing blonde hair from my blurry vision.

"No. My head is spinning and hurting like mad, I can't even see properly" I said, my voice coming out hoarse and low.

"Let's get you to bed" Jane said helping me get up while I put my weight on her as she helped me to a room.

Initially, I did not notice when we got there, all I felt was that I was on the bed and my eyes were shut although I was conscious. I felt so weak that even a two year old could easily beat me up and I might literally be hospitalized.

I'm feeling so cold right now like if the temperature dropped badly. Jane said something about clothes but I was barely able to hear her or anything at all. All I could hear firmly was my beating heart and pounding head. She removed my clothes and I was left in my underwear.

"You dirty whore. I hope you get what's coming for you" I heard her say but I'm not sure I heard her clearly. Why would she call me a whore?

I couldn't say anything but just groan, I was cold why did she take my clothes off. I'm pretty sure she left the room because I heard the slight closing of the door. I managed to go under the bed covers and tried to let the sleep consume me but it seemed impossible. The room was very dark and the only source of light was from the opened window.

Later my temperature was increasing and I was became unbearably hot and was sweating profusely so I removed the covers but was still laying down.

The door opened and someone entered inside before caressing my cheeks. It was rough and hard unlike Andrew's hands that is soft but yet tough.

The person started kissing me but I was just hopeless on the bed and stayed still as quiet moans left my lips.
"I'll be back" the voice said. The voice was an American accent not English. The person left the room leaving me in the dark.

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