Loving The Devil {Chapter Two}

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Yvette's pov
Kill me!

Skye set me up, I have been nothing but good to her.

I turned around to see Skye walking closer to me. I squat and buried my head in my lap as I held my knees together in fear.

The lights turned on and I opened my eyes.

"Cut...cut it" the boss yelled. He and Skye started laughing again, but this time a more genuine laugh.

"We got her good" Skye said exchanging high five with her boss.

"Wait, what is happening?" I asked confused. I thought they wanted to kill me.

"You were pranked you. Isn't it obvious?" The boss laughed.

Pranked? Me?

Fuck I should have knew. I swear to God I'm gonna kill Skye.

"So take a seat" the boss told me as he pointed to a chair opposite his chair with a table separating them.

I sat down cautiously still keeping myself very alert on my next move.

"You applied for a job here and since you are a high schooler, I'm giving you the job."

I jumped up from my seat in excitement "Thank you sir" I said "I swear I will do my best" I ensured.

"That's the spirit" he laughed "Your job is quit easy, you take orders, serve them and clean the tables after the customers leaves. Same job as Skye's."

"Thank you sir. When can I start?" I asked.

"On Monday noon. Since you are a student" he answered.

"Thank you sir. I'll be leaving now" I said, leaving the office.

"Skye!" I shouted her name immediately I was out of the office. She turned around to see my angry face and started running outside. I chased after her as if my life depended on it and finally I caught her.

She's not very athletic.

"You pranked the living day light out of me" I shouted.

And she chuckled "Did you really think I would kill you even if I could" she said smiling "I know you are annoying and all, but I'll never do such."

I hit her head playfully "You're crazy" I laughed.

We talked for a while before I decided to head home. I decided to walk home, a 40minutes stroll isn't that bad and the evening seems beautiful for a stroll; the orange and pink colored clouds in the sky, the dry leaves in every tree and some littering the floor and the cool breeze caressing your skin.

On my way home an expensive,good looking, god-damn car with high speed drove passed me, making a heap of dry leaves flew on my body, some stuck on my clothes and most especially on my hair.

"Fuck you, you little.... Ugh..." I groaned in frustration

The car pulled over and the driver came down. A young boy around my age with dark blonde hair and sunglasses came down and rushed towards me. He was handsome I'd give you too. His cheeks bones were perfect and his hair was ruffled in perfect styles. I couldn't see his eyes because of his sunglasses but I could tell they'll be as perfect as him.

"Did I do this?" He asked with an apologetic look.

"Yeah. Don't worry about it" I said kindly picking the leaves off my hair.

"I'm not worried, I just wanted to give you this..." he said. He dipped his hand in his back pocket and brought out his middle finger.

The idiot started laughing as he ran back to his car and started his engine with the same high speed.

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