Loving The Devil {Chapter Thirty Eight}

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Yvette pov

I woke up with a throbbing headache and a grumbling stomach. The engagement party was so fun yesterday and fortunately it wasn't so boring like my parents', simply saying, the teenagers took the party into hand.

"Andrew?" I called out but he wasn't here. Funny enough, we were back at our apartment, I don't even know how we got here. I did not even have a taste of alcohol, right?

I quickly touched my stomach to see if my baby was still intact. I don't even know what I'm doing but I don't feel any pains, so I visibly relax.

I put on my flip flops before storming downstairs to look for my fiancé. That name still sounds very funny anytime I say it. It gives me the happy giddies.

Andrew wasn't downstairs as I hoped, I even went to  outside to check the pool and garage, but he wasn't there. So I settled back inside to make a quick breakfast but there was nothing, not even cereals. I completely forgot about grocery shopping since my mom, Lilian and of course Andrew has been doing the cooking for me. Apparently, Andrew doesn't believe when cooking groceries tends to finish.

The door bell rang and my mind wonder to whom it may be, it's a Sunday morning. Who the fuck would visit this early in the morning? It's just 10am.

I know it's not that early but I just woke up.. Sue me.

I look at my clothes and I was wearing Mickey Mouse pajamas of a spaghetti hand tank top and a matching brief shorts that barely cover my ass. Quite shameful. My eyes caught my robe that's was on the dinning chair.

I wrapped it around my body not perfectly but enough to cover my ass. I opened the door and I saw two people that I haven't seen for weeks or even a month.

"Hey" I breathed out.

"Hey" They chorused back.

"Please come in" I said opened the door wider and they gave a brief nod before entering.

"Where's Andrew?" Micheal asked.

"I don't know, he wasn't at home when I woke up" I replied just then my phone dinged at the kitchen island. I excused myself to check and it was a message with a photo attachment from Andrew.

"Is milk usually this cheap?" The picture above showed the price tag of milk.

Oh so that's what he's doing- Grocery shopping. How sweet?

With a huge smile on my face, I replied "Yes."

He replied almost immediately "Okay, I'm on my way home now. Love you and my little princess" I just smiled at the text before going back to the living room to meet Micheal and Jane.

"That was Andrew, he's at the supermarket" I told them.

"Andrew goes to the supermarket?" Micheal asked, shock written all over his face.

I gave a small smile "Yeah. He's changed a lot."

An awful silence lingered for some minutes before I decided to break it.

"I'm sorry that I didn't offer anything, we kinda dry on food" I said with a nervous chuckle. "Do you want coffee?" I asked them and they accepted.

In few minutes, I gave them their coffee and they thanked me. This is quite an awkward meeting and I knew their reasons for coming aren't for just visiting purpose. Something is up.

"I'm sure you can't drink this" Jane stated and I shook my head with a small smile. I never told Jane I was pregnant but in some ways, she probably heard.

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