Loving The Devil {Chapter Twenty Six}

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Yvette pov

2 months later

I stepped out of the clean black SUV jeep. With my heels firmly on the ground as I walked on the marble floor and my shades firmly on my face to reduce the flashes from the camera coming from the dozens of reporters. My bodyguards were blocking most of them but they didn't stop throwing their questions as I ignored them. For crying out loud I'm going as a guest for Susan's talkshow, I'll be asked questions. Give me a break guys.

Immediately I entered the building and the receptionist led me to the back stage where I met the one and only Susan Miller one of the most successful women in the show industry. Her bogus royal blue gown was everywhere and a very high black heels. Her blonde hair was curled and dropped on her shoulders with some heavy makeup probably to cover her wrinkles.

"Yvette!" She said giving me a very wide grin.

"Susan!" I said back with the same fake enthusiasm.

"So good to finally meet you in person. You are even more stunning up close."

"Thank you" I said.

"You clothes are always so magnificent. Who designed this?" She asked.

"You can ask that at the show" I told her. I was in a rush to go home and meet my parents, friends and my boo.

"I understand" she smiled "You have 5 minutes and you are on"

"Thank you" we sat down and let the makeup artist did some touchings in our makeup.

She gave me a small smile before going to the stage.

"Good morning, America. I'm Susan Miller your host for today and I have a wonderful guest for you all this morning. This celebrity has made a big name for herself in less than two months. She has made everyone believe nothing is impossible. Let's give it up for... Yvette Whites Smith" she said and they started clapping as I came out and wave to the crowd before sitting on the opposite sofa of Susan's.

"Good morning, Yvette" she smiled at me.

"Good morning, Susan" I smiled back before looking at crowd "Good morning Seattle" I waved and they cheered.
"You look very beautiful today" Susan said.

"Oh thank you. It was designed by my best friend, Skye Parker" I said and they cheered. "She works at Tim's Empire, my daddy's company."

"Wow. The same mastermind of your birthday dress. Well a big shout out to Skye Parker" Susan said and everyone clap.

"So, Yvette.." she said and I looked at her my fake smile not wavering "How is 'the' boyfriend?" And the crowd went 'oouuu' making me blush.

"He's fine. As a matter of fact, he did not know I was coming back today" the phone beeped indicting I have a new message.

I looked at my screen and a smile reached my face seeing it was from Andrew, I was beyond happy.

"Oouuu.. is that from our boyfriend?" She asked and the crowd laughed.

"Yes" I said honestly.

"Can we have a peep at what it is?" She smiled.

Curious Texas bitch.

"Sure. 'I'm watching you right now, why didn't you tell me you were back from London? You look amazing by the way, I can't wait to hold you" I read out and the crowd chorus an 'awww.'

"That's so sweet. Your life story has given the less privilege that joy can come from the worst. You are not just a supermodel for physical appearance but you are a role model to many lives out there" she said and everyone started clapping.

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