Chapter 43

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"Sam, I don't know what to say to you, Leighton did it, it was her, I can't deny that, but she did love you, remember that Sam." I tried to comfort him. "Come on, we'll go to my house, I'll tell you anything you want to know." Sam nodded and followed me, he was in shock, I didn't know what I was going to say to him, poor lad. George went back to the garage, knowing that Sam and I would need to talk things through. Freddie and Joe were sat having a cuppa when we got there. Sam still hadn't said a word.

"You alright scar?" Freddie asked, concerned.

"I'm fine, don't worry about me." I replied.

"We'll leave you to it, I'll be in the garage, just call an I'll come." Joe told me, kissing my forehead. I smiled at him and uncle Freddie as they left.

"Are you okay?" I asked Sam.

"I didn't think she could do something like that. She was so kind, and sweet, I thought she loved me." Sam whispered.

"Hey, come on, none of us thought she would do anything like that, she was kind, she was my best friend, Sam she did love you, she loved us all. She just had that gene, that's all. It wasn't her fault, she was wrong in the head, ok, just remember the good times, forget what was wrong with her, you two had a great time together, didn't you?"

"Yeah." His voice croaked. "She was so innocent, how was she capable of that."

"I don't know, I honestly don't."

"I've gotta go." He said quickly, retrieving his bag and running off, slamming the door behind him.

"Scarlett! I heard a bang? You ok?" Freddie came running in.

"I'm fine fed, stop worrying, Sam just left in a hurry. He was upset, and shocked, I'm if fine though." I told him, smiling. "Come on, I'll help you in the garage." He wrapped his arms round me, giving me a hug.

"Nothing's gonna happen to you, I won't let it, your safe now."

"I know, Fred," I replied, "let's go." We both walked to the garage, where. Joe, Ziggy and George were working.

"Oh nice one, scar come help me, got no idea what I'm doing." Ziggy called over, as I put on my overalls over my clothes, I rolled my eyes, always our zig who needs help. I went over. It was pretty simple, just had to fix the brakes.

"Zig this ones simple, are you sure your a qualified mechanic?" I laughed.

"Yeah, did a course and everything, you haven't. So technically I'm qualified your not." Ziggy laughed back. Ok, he wins that one. We worked through the cars that were slowly totting up in the garage, we haven't been very efficient in organising our time between cars, or getting them all done on time. Frequently, joe tells people tenor cars will be ready, and when they come to collect them the cars are never ready. Typical Roscoes, yet were the closest garage to the village, therefore, were still in business, surprisingly.

"We should get a secretary. They can put us on shifts, so that were not running behind, and everything's done on time. Could bring in more business to, if were seen as a professional garage." I said to joe, as we were under a car, fixing a pipe.

"Good idea. We'll do some interviews maybe, put an ad in the paper. Would make us more time efficient, I like your thinking. Clever kid." He replied. "I'm proud of you." I grinned. "What do you think Fred?" He called out.

"About what?" Fred called back, from underneath another car.

"Hiring a secretary!" I shouted at him. Sometimes being underneath the cars, you need to shout to be able to hear each other..

"Wicked! I wouldn't have to do the business side of things anymore!" Ziggy whistled.

"You never did anyway! Joe does it all!" Freddie laughed. "But yeah, good idea!" So it was decided that we'd have to get a secretary if we wanted to stay on top of things here at the garage.

Scarlett Roscoe - Hollyoaks. [Finished]Where stories live. Discover now