Chapter 22

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Recommendation: morganbyrne09's Hollyoaks fanfic. It's called James Blake and James says all the things to Patrick that Sienna won't! Amazing story, you should all give it a read:)


"My mother could be alive." I contemplated with Dodger.

"My big sister could be alive." He replied. "I think we should go to the police." He said.

"If she is alive, and Patricks been keeping her hostage, we could get rid of him for good and I wouldn't have to live with him or see him, auntie Sienna would be free from him and he'd go down for everything he's done." I thought out loud.

"Exactly. We have to go, now. Come on Scarlett." Dodger said, ringing someone while talking to me. "Yeah, hi, Dirk, can you please come and look after Ryder and the twins? I have to go and do something with Scarlett, yeah it's important, ok see you in a minute." He hung up. Dirk arrived 5 minutes later, with Holly and Hilton tagging along. "Thanks for this, Dirk." Dodger said.

"No problem, anything to see my little grandchildren." Dirk said.

"Right come on, Scarlett let's go." Dodger called out, we got in his car and went to the police station. "I need to talk to someone, now." Dodger went up to the front desk and said.

"Ok sir, take a seat." The desk sergeant said, we took a seat, and waited for what seemed like ages. Finally, a detective came out to meet us.

"Mr Savage and Miss Roscoe, my name is D.I Bayle, I believe you would like to talk to me?" He asked.

"Yes, we would." Dodge said.

"Come through." D.I Bayle said. We walked through to his interview room. "So, what's the problem?" He asked.

"Are you familiar with the case of Amelia Blake?" Dodger asked.

"Yes, very sad." He said.

"Well, we don't think that she was murdered by my mother, Anna Blake. This is her daughter, Scarlett Roscoe," dodger said, pointing at me, "earlier, we were talking to my father, Patrick Blake, and he said about him going for full custody of Scarlett, trying to take her away from her father, Joe Roscoe, which won't happen, and he started shouting something about Amelia wanting to see Scarlett." Dodger briefly explained.

"Ok, I'm going to take this all into account and go and see our officer in charge of reopen in cases, wait here a minute." D.I Bayle said. We waited for around and hour and a half, I would've guessed, until he came back with another officer. "Mr Savage, Miss Roscoe, this is detective inspector windsor, our head of department. We have agreed to reopen the case of Miss Amelia Blake, but, we need you two to keep it quiet, as we will be investigating Patrick, in fact, we already have and officer, undercover living in his home, Miss Maxine Minniver. We've been investigating him for a while, but not about Amelia. It was in relation to Miss Sienna Blake. But this will be our new focus, you two have to keep it secret, we've rung Scarlett's dad as we need permission from him, we need to explain it to him and then it's up to him." D.I Bayle said. We both nodded, we might be able to find my mum. Joe came in about 20 minutes later. He got taken to an interview room, so everything could be explained to him. And then he came to us.

"So Mr Roscoe, we just need you to sign these papers, to sat Scarlett can be involved in the case." D.I. Bayle explained.

"I'm not happy about this, Scarlett, but if it's what you need to do, then it's fine by me, any hint or sign of you getting hurt or being in trouble and I'm pulling you straight out, got it?" Dad said, I nodded, his conditions were fair enough.

"Were actually doing a raid on a secret home of Mr Blakes tonight, were looking for Sienna, as she's missing again, but who knows who we might find." Bayle said. Were all hopeful. With any luck, I'll have my mum back one day. We came out of the police station.

"So, Scarlett, what do you want to do tomorrow, for your 15th birthday?" Joe asked me.

"We could kick start this whole thing off, and have a party, invite all the blakes and see if we can get any information." I said.

"That's a pretty good idea, I'm in." Dodger said.

"Are you sure that's what you want to do Lett?" Joe asked, a worried look on hhis face. Well, you can't blame him, no dad really wants their daughters 15th birthday tot be remembered like this. I got a call from dodger at 1am this morning.

"Hello?" I said, sleepily.

"I heard from the police, they found Sienna, but not Amelia. Patricks been taken in for questioning." Dodger told me.

"Ok, well we'll have to see what happens tomorrow." I said.

"I'll let you get back to sleep, happy birthday kid."

"Thanks." I went back to sleep.

I woke up to little JJ jumping on me attempting to sing happy birthday along with Lola, it was cute. Axel was crawling around and dad and Celine were standing at the door. I picked JJ up into a baby carry and tickled him.

"Appy birth Lettlett!" JJ shouted.

"Thank you!" I said, continuing to tickle him, with he laughed hysterically.

"Party's at 5 scar, everyone's gonna be there, so you've got about 7 hours till we have to go, what do you wanna do?" Joe asked.

"Can I go see Leighton?" I asked, I actually wanted to talk to dodger, but I didn't want to say that.

"Course. Just ring me if you need me." Joe smiled and went downstairs with Celine, Lola and Axel. JJ wanted to stay for a bit so I said he could, we played hide and seek and some other kids games before I took him downstairs then got changed and ready to go to dodgers.

"Bye!" I called out, and left. I knocked on the door of the boat.

"Ah, hi Scarlett! Happy 15th birthday!" Dodger opened the door, hugging me.

"Thanks uncle dodge." I said. "How's sienna?" I asked.

"Ok I think. She through there." Dodger said. I went through to see her.

"Happy birthday." She said, sipping her tea.

"Thanks, are you ok?" I asked my auntie.

"I'm fine! And I can't wait for this party, I've missed most of your life, well not anymore, your family, you don't have your mum, so me and your uncle are the next best thing." Sienna said. I smiled. She's actually nice, she was just misguided. Her father is Patrick after all. "I know about the case on Amelia, and I really hope we find her, I could do with having my big sister around, I haven't even met her properly." Sienna said.

"No, mum managed to get me and Amelia away from all that, until Patrick found us again." Dodger chipped in. We carried on chatting about Amelia until it was four o clock, so I went home to get changed. I changed into black skirt and a white shirt and put on my white pumps, straightened my curls and went downstairs.

"Ready?" Celine asked. I nodded. "Let's go then." She said, excitedly. She doesn't know what the party's really for.

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