Chapter 4

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The party was in full swing. I guess it was more of a moving in party for Tegan and little Rose, yet more people moving into the Roscoe home! Lucky it's a 7 bedroom house or we'd be stuffed. Ziggy was getting worried because Tegan hadn't turned up yet.

"Zig she'll be here! Here have a drink!" I passed him a beer.

"I'm worried Lett, she's about to have my baby any day." Zig said. But then Tegan, Peri, tom and Rose turned up so ziggy didn't care anymore. Leighton and I rushed over to Peri, who had Tom, Sam and Cal in tow. Everyone knows Tom and Peri are a couple. It's only Peri's mum and dad, Leela and Cameron who dont like their little pez having a boyfriend.

"We saw Nico on the way up. She just watched us. It was freaky." Cal said.

"Umm she didn't follow you did she?" Leighton asked.

"Don't think so, to think we used to be mates with her. Then she tied up pez in a hostel, stabbed Cal in the leg and cut some of Leightons hair off!" Tom said. "Crazy just like her mum." Sienna, Nicos mum locked Tom up in a basement last year. Crazy.

"What's going on where then kids?" Dodger, Leightons dad, asked, holding his young baby girl, Myra-Pocahontas in one arm, his other arm around fiancée Theresa.

"Discussing that weirdo Nico, daddy." Leighton said.

"Don't be to harsh, she's your cousin remember, but yeh, weirdo!" Dodger said. Okay, he's probably a bit drunk.

The next morning, I didn't wake up until 1pm. Looked like Leighton and Peri had stayed the night. They were in sleeping bags on the floor. Careful not to wake them. I walked downstairs, only to hear weird puffs coming from the living room. Joe obviously heard and came running down behind me, followed by Robbie and Phoebe, and finally Freddie. The five of us walked into the front room not knowing what was going on, only to see a baby cradled in Ziggys arms, with Tegan doing all sorts of weird panting.

"A little girl! I've got a little girl!" Ziggy whispered, ecstatic. They'd planned a home birth, didn't expect this though. Then mum and dad walked into the room.

"We've bought a house in the Maldives! We're leaving today, we won't be back, we're going for good!" They said excited.

"But my baby girls just been born!" Ziggy said.

"And were very happy for you, but everyone moves on." Sandy said.

"Oh whatever, just coz we love Lett and yous can't handle it. Go on, get out." Robbie said.

"Don't talk to your mother like that." Rick said.

"You can't tell rob what to do and what not to do." Joe started. "You've hardly been a dad to jase, rob or Lett. Your leaving 6 kids behind, 2 daughter in laws or whatever linds and phoebe are. Kim. 3 grandchildren, maybe 4. So just go." Joe said. Turns out, their bags were already packed, and they just left. Ok then. Didn't last long though, we were all huddled round looking at ziggy and Tegan's baby, including Peri and Leighton who had come downstairs.

"Well, I'd better be going, or dad and Theresa will wonder where I am, I'll see you tomorrow girls, yeah?" Peri and I nodded at her and carried on cooing over the baby.

"She needs a name Ziggy!" Tegan said my brother.

"Penelope," ziggy said. "It's perfect for her! Can't you see it tegs?" Ziggy asked.

"Yeah. I can. Rose and Penelope." Tegan said.

"Two of my princesses." Ziggy said.

"Only two of them?" I asked zig.

"Well yeah. There's tegs, and you Lett, and pez, Rose, and Penelope." Ziggy said. Smiling at me and pez.

"Your such a dumbass." I told him. "I'm gonna go see Jase, want me to say about Penelope? I doubt you'll be able to see him, what with having a baby to keep you busy." I said.

"Thanks Scarlett" Tegan called out.

"You coming pez?" I asked.

"Yeah." She said.

Peri and I saw nico as we were wondering down to the hospital. We noticed that she's started following us, so we went to Leightons because it was closest and we didn't want to get stuck by Nico. Dodger opened the door.

"Act normal Dodge, Nicos following us." Peri said.

"Come in." Dodger said. Leighton was in the shower, so we sat in the boat chatting with Theresa.

"It's a bit weird innit, her following you lot like this." Theresa said.

"She's messed up T, how couldn't you be with who her mum and dad/grandad are." Dodger said whilst giving baby Myra-Pocahontas, now 7 months old, her bottle. Theresa is actually 3 months pregnant with the couples second child together.

"I know babe, but if she did that to us or our 3, I'd be freaked." Theresa said. Peri and I laughed. "So where were you actually headed?"

"Hospital, to see Jase, we were going to tell him Ziggy and Tegan have had a baby girl, little Penelope." Peri's mum, Leela, is best friends with Theresa, so we all know each other pretty well. We showed Dodger and Theresa a picture of baby Penelope.

"Aww she's so cute!" Theresa cooed. "Penelope's a cute name too!"

"I'm choosing the name for our next one T, no offence but your names are pretty out there!" Dodger told his pregnant fiancée, causing her to pout.

"Okay. If I get to choose the middle name." She said, to which he nodded.

"It looks like she's gone now, and we were actually headed out as soon as Leighton hurries up, we'll give you a lift." Dodger said


Authors note: should I do Leightons story? I made her up but she sounds kinda interesting XD

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