Chapter 30

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I woke up to hear Joe and Dodger bickering again. Joe was biting his fingernails, darting his eyes around, as if scared. Dodger was smirking at him, with an evil look in his eye. Sienna was picking at an old scar, what she always does when shes nervous. Amelia stared at the wall. She just stared. She didn't answer to anyone when we spoke or called out to her. Nico was gazing evilly at her mother. Maxine tried to put on a smile, except she was being really creepy. Leighton kept asking me what i would do if so and so had killed him. Theresa murdered her own daughters father, so no way can i trust her. The only one sat here with me, who i can truly trust, is, Freddie. All he wants is to know that in okay, and he keeps telling me hes gonna get me out of here. And i know he will, Freddie always sticks to his word. Especially when it comes to family.

"you ok, left? You've gone really pale all of a sudden?" dodger asked.

"you think shes ok? Shes sat in here with a murderer, and unless someone owns up right now, i will beat it out of someone. I wont let my little niece sit here, scared to death of you all." Freddie said, see, always knew i could count on him, for anything, any time, any place.

"your not scared of me are you kid?" Joe said. I was so scared of them all i was unable to speak, but managed an uneasy nod to let him know. "hey, you know i'd never do that. I couldn't leave you, Celine or the little ones." he gave ne a stern, but kind look, and i knew, i just knew he's to soft to do something like murder. I scooted over from where i was sat with uncle Freddie and cuddled my dad.

"i know. I'm sorry. I know you didn't do it." i snuggled into him. The keys rattled in the cell door. D.I.Bayle.

"Sienna Blake, your alibi has been backed up. Your free to go. Thank you for waiting." Bayle said, letting Sienna out. "Maxine, your also free to go." maxine nodded, gathered herself up and left. Sienna put her head round the door before she left.

"i will do everything i can to get you all out. Remember, i love you." she said. Everyone was so glum, that no one bothered to answer her. Knowing she wasn't the killer, i answered.

"i love you too auntie sie." that started everyone off.

"love ya sis, please get us out of here." dodger said.

"i love you mum." from Nico.

"love you too auntie sie." from Leighton. Nothing from Amelia.

so that leaves the suspects down to : Myself, Nico, Leighton, Amelia, Dodger, Theresa, Joe and Freddie. Whichever one of us did it. I hope they own up soon. We've all been for interviews and were all just stuck here. D.I.Bayle came back a bit later and let some more people out.

"Joe Roscoe, your free to go, your alibi has been proved." bayle smiled at dad. "Nico Blake, your mother has cleared your name. Theresa Mcqueen, we have footage proving you were looking after your kids on the boat all night, Leighton Savage, we know you were with Theresa. Freddie Roscoe. You were nowhere near on that night. Your all free to go." leaving me, Amelia and dodger. Its one of us. Well, its bit me, so Amelia or dodger. Dad, nico, Theresa, Leighton and Freddie left.

"Scarlett, in going to stay out there until ive got you free, ok?" Freddie said.

"ok." i managed weakly. Dodger came over to me and plumped himself down.

"Scarlett, it cant have been us, the time they were saying he was killed, we were both here, getting wires fitted on ourselves to bring him down. Its her. My big sister. Your mother." dodger said. Its all added up now. It WAS her. And we know it. And the police will know it. She'll probably just go to a psychiatric ward anyway because shes messed up in the head like Sienna and Nico. But we have to tell. The both of us banged on the door for as long as we could and as hard as we could, until finally bayle opened the door.

"stop the banging. What is the matter?" he said.

"we have alibis. We were HERE at the police station, getting wires fitted to bring down Patrick." dodger explained. Bayle went to check out the facts and two hours later he came back and informed us we were right.

"Amelia Blake, im arresting you for murder. You do not have to say anything that may harm your defence or may later affect you in court." bayle said. My mum murdered my grandad.


im SOSOSOSOSOSSOSOSOSOOOOO sorry its short and rubbish, i just thought you guys deserve an upload and i don't have my iPad or macbook so i did it on my phone, sorry;

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