Chapter 27

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1.5K!! Thanks so much guys, and also please go check out my other hollyoaks stories, if you like this one!

Updating as me and my friend ditched the party and are watching gossip girl! Love it.


We found out that Patrick had been reemployed as head teacher as hollyoaks high. I was not looking forward to going back to school. I ran down the stairs as I was late, but Freddie caught me.

"Where do you think your going?" Freddie asked.

"Fred I can't deal with your problems right now, I'm late for school, I really have to go now!" I said flustered.

"Your not going, I refuse to send you while that maniac is head master." Freddie said.

"What do you want?" I asked.

"Help in the garage." He said. I rolled my eyes. Yeah, this was for my 'safety', he was 'protecting' me.

"Fine, but if dad asks, it was your fault. I'm gonna change into my overalls." I said. I ran back upstairs, dumped my school bag, out on my overalls and tied my hair up in a high ponytail, then I ran back downstairs. "Ready!" I called out. Me and Fred walked over to the garage. Joe and Zig were already there.

"What you doing here? You should be at school Lett." Joe said. I haven't yet told him that Patrick is the head master again, when the school sent a letter I threw it in the bin, but not after Freddie had read it.

"She's helping us today." Freddie said.

"Fred, she has school. You can't just take her out of school because she's better at fixing cars than you!" Joe shouted, clearly annoyed with his younger brother.

"Whatever." Freddie replied, he started to walk away but joe grabbed his arm.

"You can't just take my daughter out of school and then 'whatever' it!" Joe shouted, meanwhile, me and Ziggy got started on fixing the motor.

"Oh what so you really want your daughter going to a school that Patrick is the head of?!" Freddie shouted back. Joe gave a confused look. "Yeah, that's right. She was too scared to tell you! But she can tell me, her uncle." Freddie calmed down, then went to fix the motor he was working on. Joe came over to me.

"Scarlett, is this true?" He asked.

"Yes, but I wasn't scared to tell you, I was just gonna get in with it." I said, going back to the car.

"Ok. Well I'll find you a new school to go to. But for now you can just help us here." He said.

"That's what I was doing." I said, and went back to the car. I didn't realise they worked in silence, and for so many hours a day. "Ok, come on guys, let's got to the dog for lunch, I'm bored here." Joe said. We all gave a sigh of relief, this awkward silence was not fun. When we got there, Maxine was in there.

"Are you still on this case?" I asked.

"If I can get a confession out of him, he goes down for good." Maxine told me. I nodded. "You not at school?" She asked.

"He's head teacher isn't he. Dad won't send me in, so I'm working at the garage with dad and my uncles."

"Yep and she's better than us at fixing the cars, kinda showing us up. Two customers today have already asked for her over us." Joe laughed.

Scarlett Roscoe - Hollyoaks. [Finished]Where stories live. Discover now