Chapter 41

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Dirk lay with myra-pocahontas, Ryder and Alexa in his arms. How could she do this to them? Her own family. I gasped, when i saw Lola, JJ and Axel peep out at me from behind celines chair. And then Patrick rushed in after me.

"I took a leaf out of my uncle wills book, ironic, isn't it. I've got all the people you love. Joe, Freddie, Ziggy, Robbie, Jason, Celine, dodger, Maxine and Lindsey, god knows why they mean anything to you, Theresa, George, Lola, JJ, Axel, kathleen-angel and Ashton. And now you and patrick too.Plus! I've already killed grandad dirk, and Ryder, Myra and Alexa." She snickered. "Now sit down, before I kill another," she sneered at me. I obediantly sat. "You too." She ordered Patrick. He looked at me, giving me that look or reassurance, the police will be here soon. "Now, Scarlett, its up to you. Who's next? ERM...Robbie...Lindsey....and JJ. Stand against that wall. I choose before, but now scarlett, you get to send someone to their death." She smirked at me.

"Who could you do this? Your meant to be my best friend and my cousin! You've killed your own grandad, brother and little sisters!" I shouted at her.

"Uh, fine. I'll choose." She said, as she shot Axel through the head. Celine cried out. "Ziggy, put him over there, with the others." She ordered, Ziggy obediantly picked up my baby brothers frail, weak body and placed him in dirks arms. Joe woke up, seeing Ziggy put Axel down. All of us were free to get up, but if we did, we'd be shot. "OK, here's an idea. Let's play a guessing game. If you guess correctly, one of them gets to walk free. First question, why would I shoot my own brother and sisters?" She asked me. How the hell should i know what goes on in that murderous head of hers?! But I had to think about this clearly, it must be to spite me. Otherwise, why would she do this, but what did I do?

"To spite me." I whispered.

"Hoorah! Correct! Congratulations, now, who walks free?" I darted my eyes around, looking at each of them individually. Dad is limp, he would be unable to do anything. Dodger, no, I don't know what he'd do.

"Freddie." I answered. He's our best bet, he'll be able to get help, quicker than any of us could anyway. Before I knew it, he scooped JJ and Lola up into his arms and ran as fast as he could before she could stop him. Thank god he got them put of harms way. I sighed.

"Intresting. Next question. Answer me this, its an easy one, why do Maxine and lindsey mean so much to you?" She said.

"Maxine stopped me from doing something stupid. And lindseys Jj's mum. He might need her in the future." I mumbled, I was scared, freaked of what she might do!

"How sweet. But fine. Who walks? And if any of you try something like Freddie, there of them will die." She warned us. Its hard to think who to save, but in this position, I have to save the ones that are going to be able to help the rest of us.

"Celine." I told her. She nodded. Celine got up, mouthed thank you at me, and left to go find JJ and Lola who would need her right now, so Fred could go get help.

Bang. Shots fired. I tensed up as I looked round to see who she had killed. Patrick.

"Why are you doing this?" I yelled at her.

"You ruined my life! All my dad talks about is oh Scarlett this Scarlett that! You stupid girl! Now I have to kill someone else! You've got blood on your hands. Next question, before I kill someone. Are the police on their way?" She quizzed me.

"No." I lied, "now let Joe and Ziggy go." I told her. Trying to take control.

"Ambitious are we?"

"No. But Joe can't walk on his own." I stated, she dismissed them. Everyone heard the police sirens in the distance.

"You lied!" She shouted. Robbie jumped up and wrestled her to the ground. Holding the gun in place at the floor. He had tight hold of her. She screamed and scratched him but he would not let go. "LET GO OF ME!" She shouted. He didn't. He kept hold, even though she hurt him, kicked him, punched, slapped. All while holding the gun in place. Jason rushed over to help him and got the samee treatment- . Dodger and Theresa were just staring at their ideas children, I ran over to grab Ashton, who was crying his little eyes out.

"Maxine, get kathleen-angel, George, help dodger out, linds, get Theresa and everyone else get out!" I yelled at everyone, someone had to take charge, they were all just staring limply at each other. Maxine carried out kathleen-angel and Lindsey helped Theresa out. But dodger wouldn't budge.

"Your no daughter of mine. Leighton, you just killed my son and two daughters. I'll never forgive you. I hope you rot In hell. And your right I love Scarlett way more than you. She's a better person." Dodger said bluntly, then got our his chair, took Ashton in his arms and started comforting him in his way out. He stopped at the door, and held out his hand for nico and I to join him, but I had to make sure Robbie, jase and george , whi were detaining leighton, would be OK. Nico went with him though.

"You just alienated your whole family. And killed people," I said, taking the gun from her hands. I threw it to the corner of the room. Robbie let go smd ran our the door and out into the open, where everyone else was with the police.  Jason and George let go, and the three of us were running out the room when a shot went off behind us. We looked round. Leighton as laid next to dirk, dead.

Leightin shot herself.

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