Chapter 20

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Sinead went away for 7 months because she knew that Freddie would make her get rid of the baby. She came back 7 months later with Lily and Freddie's baby. She turned up at the door, I answered it, still in my pyjamas with a pot of Nutella in my hands that I was eating.

"Oh Jesus," I said as I opened the door. "That Fred's?" I asked pointing my spoon at the young baby.

"Yes, this is Poppy." Sinead said.

"FRED! Get your butt down here!" I shouted up to my brother. He came running down the stairs.

"What scar?" Freddie said.

"Auntie Sinead and cousins Lily and Poppy are here." I said to Fred, since the last time we spoke, we've been having a rivalry, joes been getting pretty annoyed at us because of it.

"Haha, very funny." Freddie said. "Is she really mine?" Freddie asked sinead.

"Yeah, this is your daughter, Poppy." Sinead said.

"I love her already, but why did you have her? It's just made everything more complicated." Freddie held his head in his hands.

"Does anyone know?" Sinead asked.

"Just Scarlett."

"Well, if we keep it a secret no one needs to know, you love me don't you?" Sinead asked.

"Of course, I do, but your my half sister." Freddie said.

"Look, I might not be, we might just be cousins. Alan Roscoe was my uncle. I asked my mum, she said Cyril Roscoe is my real father, I met him, and he is." Sinead said.

"Cousins is better than brother and sister! And I've got a daughter!" Freddie said, picking up Poppy and kissing sinead.

"Right I guess that's sorted then, now I'm just gonna continue hiding from Jase, ok, bye!" I said to them.

"Await scar, meet your cousin, little Poppy." I went over.

"Yeah lovely." I said.

"Have a better look, you love babies, always cooing and playing with JJ and Axel." Freddie said.

"Course they're my brothers. Come on, then give her here." I said. Freddie handed me poppy, she was adorable and such a cutie.

"She's lovely." I said to Sinead and Freddie.

"What's wrong with her?" Sinead asked Freddie.

"Lindsey gets out today, after what she did to our Scarlett, me and Lett are under house arrest incase Lindsey shows up, I gotta look after her, and JJ, Lola and Axel." Freddie said. "Joes coming back in a bit to look after them." Freddie told sinead. "If you come in for a bit, we'll go out when Joe gets back."

"Okay, we can take Lily and Poppy to the park later of you want." Sinead said.

"Actually, we'll go out now, I'll just bring my nieces and nephews. Scarlett go get dressed." Freddie told me.

"I'm eating my Nutella!" I protested.

"Go, now." Freddie said. I huffed and went upstairs and shoved on my jack wills track suit bottoms, and a white nirvana t shirt.

"Readyyyyyy!" I singsonged down the stairs.

"Your a weird kid." Freddie laughed. He put JJ and Axel inside the double pram and we went to the park Freddie as pushing Lola and JJ in the swings, Axel was asleep and I was talking to sinead.

"Oh no." I heard Freddie curse, and we looked round and saw Lindsey approaching us. Freddie put JJ back into the pram and put Lola on his shoulders to keep them out the way. "What do you want Lindsey?" Freddie asked.

"My son." She said.

"Listen, he's got a mum and dad, he doesn't need you." Freddie said.

(To: dad)

Please come to the park now.

I text him because I know that he will be able to keep us safer than Freddie will. Dad turned up 5 minute skater.

"What's going on? Leave my kids alone." Joe said.

"I suppose they're all yours and Celines? Pure ally been busy, 3 babies, and a toddler." Lindsey said spitefully.

"No just Scarlett, Lola, JJ and Axel are mine and Celines, now leave us alone." He said. She left, but I know tarts not the last we'll see of her, she wants JJ, and she's gonna do all she can to get him. "Freddie, what the hell were you thinking bringing the kids out?!" Joe shouted. "You stupid, stupid idiot!"

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