Chapter 13

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JJ's going to be ok. Except now, Lindsey has done a court case against joe and Celine, trying to get JJ back, Leighton, Theresa and I are all witnesses for Celine. It's the final hearing. I'm last to go.

"Name." The judge said.

"Scarlett Bluebell Roscoe." I said.

"May I state, that, the Scarlett bluebell roscoe, is of relation to Joe Roscoe, which means she is not entirely reliable. Therefore, whatever she says, should not be taken into account as she is mr roscoes younger sister. Miss Roscoe, is it true that Celine Roscoe pushed the baby, JJ Roscoe, into the lake?" Lindsey's lawyer asked me.

"No." I said.

"Can you explain to me what happened?"

"Lindsey saw me, Celine, Leighton, JJ, Theresa, angel, Pocahontas, Lola and Ryder at the park, so she came over to see little JJ. Celine let her play with him for a little bit because she didn't want to cause a scene, Lindsey let JJ go to far to the edge and he fell in, me and Leighton jumped in to rescue him." I told everyone.

"And, if Celine felt so much love for this child, as she describes, why would she not jump in after him?" The lawyer asked.

"Because she is pregnant and it could've hurt the baby, or was easier for me and Leighton to jump in because Celine and Theresa are both expecting babies, and Lindsey ran away." I replied.

"I think that's enough questioning for the child, don't you think lawyer?" The judge said. I stepped down. "My decision will be made, you should all be here in 20 minutes, you are free to have a break." The judge continued. Joe was handed JJ from the people who look after him when were in court. Lindsey tried and failed to get him, they wouldn't let her.

"Better say your goodbyes." Lindsey called out.

"Ignore her, there's no way she'll get near my boy." Joe said. I nodded, I'm worried incase she will get him, she's put up a pretty good case.

"Hey." Leighton came up.

"Hi, you ok?" I asked.

"Not really. Theresa gone into labour 3 and a half months early. All the stress of this." She said.

"Oh my god, Leighton I'm so sorry, I better go see her! Joe do you mind?" Celine said worriedly.

"No course not, it'll be fine, I'll text you as soon as I know." Joe said. "Anyway, Scarlett's here, and Robbie and Jase." Joe gave Celine a quick kiss and she started running to the hospital.

"Case Roscoe." The solicitor called out.

"That's us. You coming Leighton?" I asked.

"Of course, my mum hasn't gone into early labour for nothing! JJ's yours joe, and he's staying. I know it." Leighton said. She seems sure of herself. "What you doing later?"

"If everything goes to plan, And we get JJ, hopefully I'll be seeing cal, but I might cancel." I said.

"Well your going to have to, we'll be having a party!" Leighton said. I laughed at my crazy friend.

"Quieten down please. In the light of all the information I have received, it seems to me as if Mr Joseph Roscoe and his wife, Mrs Celine Roscoe, are perfectly capable of looking after the child, Mr Joseph Junior Roscoe, there is plenty of love and care from them and JJ seems well looked after. However, the mother of the child, Miss Lindsey Butterfield, has significant rights over the child, unless is give sole custody to Joseph and Celine. Miss. Bitter fields actions could have had severe consequences to Miss Leighton Savage, Miss Scarlett Roscoe and Mr Joseph Junior Roscoe. Therefore, I count Joseph and Celine full custody of the child, and miss Lindsey Butterfield is not allowed near the child, that is all." The judge finished. We won!

"See not allowed near him." I said. "Thank god for that!" We all cheered.

"Now that's finished, it's GREAT and everything, but I really need to go to the hospital, I'll see you later.!" Leighton said.

"Oh, wait I'll come with!!" I shouted after her. We ran to see Theresa, dodger and Celine. We were in for a shock when we got there. Theresa hadn't gone into early labour, well not really early labour anyway, a month early, apparently she had gotten pregnant straight after having Ryder, her and doger sure do move fast, but that wasn't the reason, it was because she'd had twins. It's not unusual because dodger himself, is a twin, with his sister, sienna, the crazy one.

"Leighton, Scarlett meet my beautiful little boy, Ashton, and my adorable baby girl, Alexa." Dodger said. "Now I've got four beautiful daughters, Leighton, Angel, Pocahontas and Alexa. And two beautiful boys, Ryder and Ashton. Well were not having anymore, t. Too many already!" Dodger said. The twins were adorable, and their names aren't too weird either, Alexa and Ashton are cute.

Back home everyone was celebrating us winning the case about JJ. My family will take any excuse for a party, an we all have something of our own to look forward too, Celine and joes baby!

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