Chapter 26

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Today is Patricks court hearing. Amelia and Sienna couldn't do it, they said that they'd agreed to stay down there. Me and uncle dodger are going to get him locked up, and were going to make them throw away the key. Dodger was up first and then me.

"Mr Savage, you are the son of Mr Blake, am I right?"

"Yes." Dodger replied.

"Can you tell me what happened?"

"Me and my niece, Scarlett, went to the police because we believed that Scarlett's mum, my sister, Amelia Blake, who supposedly died in a car crash, was alive. Patrick found out that me, Scarlett and Sienna were what he called 'plotting' against him, and he drugged us at Scarlett's, my nieces, 15th birthday party. Next thing we knew, we'd woken up in an old derelict school building, and my sister Amelia was there, so we were right. We managed to escape, by hitting him with Sienna's shoe though." Dodger said.

"That is all. Miss Roscoe next, you are the granddaughter of. Mr Blake?"

"Yes.." I said.

"Tell me what happened."

"Patrick drugged us and kidnapped us, but we escaped. If he gets out he will do it again." I said. It turns out, our case wasn't tight enough without Sienna and Amelia's stories. So Patrick got off scot free. He said he'd found out where we were and was coming to save us. Yeah. Right. Dodger and I were met by Amelia and Sienna as we came out.

"How long did he go down for?" Amelia asked.

"He didn't. Because YOU wouldn't testify." I said and walked off to where Celine was waiting for me to pick me up.

"You ok babe?" Celine asked.

"He didn't go down. He got off."

"Seriously? I've a right mind to go in there and demand they take this seriously," she said.

"Don't worry about it, let's just go home." I said.

"Scarlett! Wait!" Amelia called. I just got in the car.

"Do you want a lift home dodge?" Celine asked, she could see he was narked off with Amelia and Sienna as much as I was.

"Yeah, thanks." Dodger said and got in beside me as Patrick walked out, we both got back out of the car to give him evils. He came right up to me.

"I told you I always win." He said twisting my arm behind my back, I smiled at him, annoying him even more. Celine not him round the head with her handbag and slapped him. He fell on the ground.

"What are you doing you stupid woman?" Patrick said.

"Leave my daughter alone." Celine said. "Get in the car Scarlett, your dad'll be wondering where we are." Dodger and I got back in the car.

"Sie, get in." I said to Sienna. I'm not leaving her, knowing what Patrick will do to her. I couldn't care less about Amelia right now. If she'd have testified, Patrick would have gone down. Celine drove us home.


Authors note: sorry it's short, I took ages updating the lyles, and now I have to get ready for a party! Sorry! And thank you for 1.4. K and especially to all the people who have voted and commented!

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