Chapter 9

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April 4th, 2015. Joe Roscoe and Celine McQueen's wedding.

"I promise to love and care for you, and I will try in every way to be worthy of your love. I will always be honest with you, kind, patient and forgiving. I promise to try to be on time. But most of all, I promise to be a true and loyal friend to you. I love you, Celine." Joe said his vows.

"On this day, I give you my heart, My promise, That I will walk with you, Hand in hand, Wherever this journey leads us, Living, learning, loving, Together, Forever." Celine said her vows.

"Joseph Roscoe, do you take Celine McQueen to be your lawfully wedded wife?" The vicar asked.

"I do." Joe said lovingly.

"Celine McQueen, do you take Joseph Roscoe to be your lawfully wedded husband?" The vicar asked Celine.

"I do." Celine said, equally as lovingly.

"The rings please." The vicar said. Ziggy went up and handed joe Celines ring and Theresa gave Celine joes ring. They placed each ring on each other's hands. "You may kiss the bride." The vicar told joe. Joe smiled, he took Celines hands in his and kissed her.

After the ceremony, the party was held at the dog in the pond. Everyone was there. Wedding of the year, you could say. Celines dress was beautiful, the bridesmaids dresses weren't so bad after all, all 14 of them: me, Porsche, Theresa, Kathleen-Angel, Myra-Pocahontas, Tegan, Rose, Penelope, Phoebe, Holly, Peri, Maddie, Lola and Leighton. Joe eventually agreed to let Maddie stay, he was angry at me at first, but then just basically accepted it, well Celine persuaded him. Yep, Celines AMAZING! And Maddie gets on with Leighton and Pez so everything's good.

"Ok speech, guys shut up." Joe said. Everyone was quiet. "I want to say thank you to my beautiful Celine Roscoe for marrying me!" He said.

"Anytime, babe!" Celine shouted. Joe grinned.

"But there is three other people who, without them, this day would never have happened. Thank you to my little brothers, Ziggy and Jason and my little sister Scarlett. I'm blessed to have you three as my younger siblings."

"Stop being soppy!" Ziggy shouted.

"Shut up, Zig, and Celine and I have our beautiful children, Lola and JJ, who just brought us even closer together, she's amazing with them, hopefully we'll add more." Joe winked at her. "but all of you mean a lot to us, we just want to thank you for making this day so special. I live you, Celine." Joe finished. There was a round of applause, followed by Celine saying 'I love you too' and them kissing. They left at around 8pm to catch the flight for their honeymoon in Barbados, and everyone eventually went home. Me, Ziggy, Tegan, Jason, Robbie and the four little ones, JJ, Lola, Rose and Penelope were left. Us older ones were clearing up.

"We've all gotta muck in looking after Lola and JJ while Celine and joe are away, Celine normally has them in the day, so Tegs, you can look after them can't you?" Ziggy said.

"Yeah, I'm looking after Rose and Penelope anyway, so I'll be there." Tegan said.

"Right, everyone's there at night so we can all just sort of mix it up, it's only for a week anyway, and Joe and Celines only rule is no Lindsey, so we'll be ok. But no one leave Scarlett alone with JJ because Lindsey knows Scarlett's our weakest link." Ziggy said.

"Thanks zig." I muttered.

"Sorry Lett, but she knows you too well, your easily led." He told me. I faked smiled at him. I know I am, but she's his mum although he called Celine mummy the other day, he heard Lola doing it.

The next morning, everyone was up bright and early. Well. 10am. You could call that early. Joe had called to check on Lola and JJ, ziggy was up and about with Rose and Penelope, Tegan had gone to work, the twins were out and Maddie and I were munching on coco pops.

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