Chapter 40

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Its been nine months since Amelia left. Its my sixteenth birthday; another year older, another year of bad kings that are going to happen. Sometimes i think to myself, coming to hollyoaks was the worst decision I ever made. Simply because of everything that's happened. But then I have to remind myself, there's Joe, and Celine, uncle dodger. I've always tried to see the positive things in life, be it homework, or then again, being kidnapped and held hostage by my own grandad. 2 years, just over, I've been here, everything changed so dramatically. Lolas five now, JJ three and Axel one. No one has seem to have found Patrick yet, which means he must be lying low until he finds the right time... however, Will escaped from prison last month, and he hasn't been found either, and siennas gone missing from the psychiatric ward as well... I guess you could say, none of us know whats coming. I picked up my phone from my bedside table and scrolled through my messages.

(From: Leighton)
Happy birthday Cuz! C u later!

( From: Ziggy)
Need your help in the garage if our not busy! Uncle Z X

(From: Nico)
Happy birthdaay! Still OK to pop over later? X

(From: Tegan)
Can you pick Rose and Penelope up from nursery later? I'm on a late shift? Happy birthday!

(From: Dodger)
Happy bday scarlettie! I will see you later X

(From: George)
Happy birthday loser. Jokes, but happy birthday, George xx

I smiled at the messages from some of my favourite people when another text popped up.

(From: Theresa)
Don't come to the boat. Stay where you are, safe, make sure your dad or an uncle is with you.

Intrigued, I went downstairs to check and see if anyone was in. I called out for someone, anyone, but all that came back, was an eery silence. It was kind of freaky. I walked round to the garage, Ziggy wasn't there. Strange. He's normally always there. The car he had been working on sat there, half finished. I rushed back to the house and locked the door. The thing mist strange, DSD wasn't here on my birthday. He would never miss it.
Incoming... Theresa

"Hello, Theresa what's happening? No ones here." I whispered, scared someone might be listening to me.

"No ones at the boat either. I'll come to you. I won't be long. About half an hour. Stay safe." Theresa told me. I nodded, even though she couldn't hear it. I hung up. I ran upstairs, chucked on my jeans and shirt, brushed my hair. Suddenly, I received a downpour of new texts.

(From: Joe)
I'm at Anna's house.

(From: Freddie)
You know where I am.

Scarlett Roscoe - Hollyoaks. [Finished]Where stories live. Discover now