Chapter 31

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Amelia, my own mother, who killed her father, got sentenced to a psychiatric ward for a year and then 30 years at the very least in jail. Glad to be rid of her, I say. Now it's just dad, Celine, me and the kids. Today, Dad and I are going to see her in the psychiatric ward. I don't know what's going to happen, is it going to be awkward? Will I be scared? Do I even want to go. I've a lot of mixed emotions about this. Freddie says I should go to get 'closure' on the whole subject. What there to have closure on? She killed her father. How could anyone do that? Even though Patrick was a poor excuse of both a man and a father, he didn't deserve that. He was messed up. Just like Amelia and Sienna, dodger got away from that whole life, and had grandad Dirk.

"You ready to go, Scar?" Dad asked, as I slowly walked down the stairs. He was pulling on his coat and I put mine on, copying him. I just nodded, it was all I could do. I'm going to visit a murderer that is my mother.

"Your not seriously taking her?" Freddie shouted, whilst half eating a sandwich and walking out.

"It's none of your business what I do with either my daughters or my sons." Joe calmly said.

"When your putting my niece in a room full of psychos, yeah it is. I'm trying to protect her and your just letting her walk into a room of murderers!" Fred shouted.

"Shut up Fred, leave us alone." I said.

"Well don't come running to me when you get murdered." Freddie frowned at me.

"I can't run if I'm dead. Bye." I walked out. Joe followed after me.

"Are you okay? We don't have to go if you don't want to." Joe held my arms and I collapsed into him. We just sat on the floor and I exploded into tears, I fell to the ground. "Ssh, it's ok, your ok, I'm here." I wiped away my tears, pulled my jacket up and stood.

"Let's go." I said, I knew my face was bright red, but I didn't care.

As we walked into the room, I grabbed Joes hand. I was so nervous. We saw Amelia and she beckoned us over, joe led me over. She stood up, I could tell she was nervous to. My hands were shaking so I held them together. She hugged me, but I was too stiff and didn't hug her back. She moved her hands in a swift position, indicating us to sit down.

"I'm sorry I didn't get more time to get to know you." Amelia said, staring intently into my eyes.

"Yeah. It's ok. I've got daddy." I said. Joe gave me a reassuring squeeze around my shoulders.

"I'm glad. All I ever wanted was to be a good mum to you. But I was locked away, treated as dead. I always wanted you, you were all I wanted Scarlett, I named you, I looked after you when you were born, you were my baby, and you were snatched away from me by Patrick." She told me.

"Amelia...just go easy on her, she's just a kid, don't pressure her too much." Joe said, giving stern looks. She nodded and said a quick ok.

"I know, what was it like, all that time in there? How did you cope?" I asked, nervous for whatever answer she would come out with.

"Well. It was hard. Sometimes, I forgot how to move. I just couldn't, I felt as if I couldn't do anything, I was useless. I read the same book over and over everyday. When Patrick came, he gave me little scraps of food and he'd hit me. I wasn't good enough for him. I had my own daughter and he didn't want any of that, he almost did the same to Sie, and locked her up, but she always got out. I wanted to die half the time. And when you came, and Sienna and dodger, you got me out, and I didn't want you to have to go throughout that, so I thought this was the only way to get rid of him, I'm sorry, I didn't mean for this to happen." She had tears in her eyes and eventually started to cry. I got up and went over to her and hugged her, she rested her head in my stomach.

"I love you. Your my mum. It's not gonna change." I said. "No matter what."

"I love you too baby." Amelia said, looking up at me. Her eyes seemed bright, and determined, like she finally had something to live for.

Scarlett Roscoe - Hollyoaks. [Finished]Where stories live. Discover now