Chapter 50

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"Scarlett! Come down here!" Lindsey called up the stairs to me. I walked down and she had JJ in her arms. She gave me a sympathetic look, I wondered what was going on. I walked further into the kitchen where Joe was sat with Lola on his lap and I sat opposite them, Lindsey sat with Joe junior next to me.

"OK, what's going on?" I asked, concerned.

"Well, ERM, the ex some news. Some er, bad news, and some erm , good news, I guess." Joe stuttered. Lindsey gave him an 'out with it' look. "OK. Lindseys pregnant! And the bad news is, You know how we adopted Lola a few years ago?" I nodded, wondering what all this was about. "Well, we didn't adopt her properly. It was agreed her parents could have contact with her if they ever wanted to."

"So, what does this me, for Lola and us?" I asked them.

"Lolas biological mum and dad gave her up because they were young when she was born. Leo's five now, and her biological parents are twenty now. But, the thing is, her mother died a few months ago, and now her dad wants her back. Were meeting him today, me, Lola and jj, are you coming?" Joe asked me.

"Of course, she's my little sister. Whos her dad?"

"Cameron Moore." Lindsey told me.

"Isn't that Peri's dad?" I pondered.

"Yeah. He left hollyoaks a couple of years ago. When he was young he met lolas mum just before he went to prison, Leela wasn't talking to him anymore, and he met her mum, and Lola happened. Lolas got a baby sister, her mum died in childbirth with the baby." Lindsey explained. "I guess we should get going. Were meeting him at the hutch."

Joe put JJ in the buggy as he was starting to fall asleep, and then he put Lola on his shoulders, while I pushed JJ, Lindsey had to go to work. Cameron was already at the hutch when we arrived. Joe got Lola down and went over, me and jj following behind. Joe knelt down to Lola's height, as did Cameron.

"Lola, sweetheart, this is your real daddy." Joe said, tears welling up in his eyes. "But remember, I love our, OK? Your my little girl."

"I love you too daddy." Lola hugged Joe. I smiled at her, she knows who her family is.

"Would you like to meet your little sister?" Cameron asked Lola, she shyly nodded. Cameron went over to his push hair, and got out a little pink bundle, and walked back over to Lola, and bent down so she could see the baby. "This is Mia." Cameron introduced. We all sat down at the table, Cameron got to know Lola.

"Have you seen Pez yet?" I questioned Cameron, peris missed him loads, she went off the rails a bit when he left.

"No, I haven't, I'm not planning on it, I don't want to upset her again. I'm just here to get lola back, and then me, Lola and Mia are moving away." Cameron explained.

"Woah, woah, woah, your not taking my daughter away. We adopted her. Your just allowed to visit her, that was the agreement, she's my daughter." Joe argued.

"Biologically, she's mine. I've got three daughters. I have to leave one, I'm not leaving two." Cameron simply replied. I got my phone out, I knew peri would never forgive me if I didn't tell her cameron was here.

(To: Peri) - camerons in the hutch, hurry pez.

Peri arrived no less than ten minutes later, with leela alongside her. Peri ran straight to cameron and wrapped her arms around his neck.

"Careful of the baby." Was all Cameron could say.

"I knew you'd come back for me!" Peri grinned. "Who's this? Why are you back?" She couldn't stop smiling.

"I'm lolas dad. I came back to get her and go, but apparemtly I'm not allowed to take her, so I guess I'll have to go through the courts, and this, is Mia. My baby girl." Cameron smiled down at his baby daughter.

"So Lola and...Mia are my little sisters?" Peri asked.

"Yes. I'm staying at the boarding house with mia for a while, your welcome to come see us, but were only here for a month or two." He acted as if he was telling peri, but he looked at Leela. Peri took Lola for a walk and some fresh air, and dad had left, I was just walking out with JJ, when I heard Leela and Cameron talking, so I stopped to listen in for a minute.

"Cam, I can't cope with you here, you killed my parents, but i still love you, I just can't cam." Leela pleaded.

"Leela, just give me a bit of time to get Lola, see Peri for a little bit, then I'll be out of here, with my daughters." Cameron told her.

"Your not taking peri."

"No, i know. I just need to take Lola and Mia. If I could have Peri, then I would, but I can't fight you for her. I'll stay out of your way leela, you just can't tell the police I killed them, Mia's go no one left in this world other than me, and shes only a month old."

"No, cam, I love you, its been 2 years, we can get through this, and peri will love having her dad back, and you can see Lola when ever you want because you'll be so close by, and she won't have to be taken from the roscoes, and Mia needs a more figure, surely." Leela pleaded with him.

"Leela. You know ive always loved you, all you had to do was say say the word, and i wouldve been straight back here for you and pez. But Mia's my first priority now, she comes first and if you can't cope with what I did, its gonna affect mia."

"Cam, I love you, I can cope." Leela grinned at Cameron.

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