Chapter 5

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"You guys were actually headed out, not just to take me and pez weren't you?" We were in the car, on the way to the hospital: me, Peri, Leighton, Dodger, Theresa, Kathleen-Angel and Myra-Pocahontas.

"Yeah, were erm, going for our first scan today!" Theresa said excitedly, while dodger looked at his fiancée in awe.

"And then were going to see the vicar to discuss our wedding!" Dodger added. "Dodger and Theresa Savage."

"Theresa Savage, yeah, I like it!" Theresa said. They are an extremely cute couple, Leighton doesn't even mind all the soppiness, I would if my parents actually gave a damn about us kids! We arrived at the hospital, said goodbye to the savages and went to find Jason.

"Ahh little Scarlett, your the only one who's been to see me everyday." He said.

"Enough of the little you idiot. How are you doing today?" I asked my older brother.

"Well. I had coco pops for breakfast and ham and cheese sandwich for lunch." He told me proudly. We are all proud of him, so much.

"Jase, there's kinda some things I gotta tell you." I told him, pez sat down on the other side of his bed.

"Go on Lett." He said.

"Well first things first, mum and dad have moved to the Maldives....shocked us all.. And better news, Zig and Tegs have had a baby girl, Penelope." I showed him a picture. After speaking to the nurse, we met up with Leighton and we all went to college coffee. We sat down, we were talking about normal teenage girl stuff and in comes Nico.

" you all think your the best of friends walking round here, Peri, Scarlett and Leighton, well your just ugly, stupid girls, and I'm gonna get you one by one."

"You can't touch us Nico. Just get lost, or I'll call my dad." Leighton said.

"What's he gonna do? Call the cops on his own niece, risk upsetting my mum? He's got two younger kids as well as you Leighton, and I could squash them and you like flys." Nico said. "And I'll do the same to peri and Scarlett and their family's." She continued. At this point, we started to get scared. She can't touch my brothers, they're to alpha male for her, but what about JJ and Penelope? Or Kim and Linds? It ended up ok though, because Robbie walked in.

"You wanna leave my little sister alone? Or you'll regret it." He said to nico.

"What you gonna do? Hit me? Coz you can't hit a girl." She replied.

"Nope, he can't, but I can, you leave these three alone, or you'll have more to deal with than an older brother worrying for his sisters safety." Phoebes comeback was pretty awesome, and Nico just got up and left straight away! May be she's scared of phoebe, who knows. Robbie gave me the look as if to say 'you ok', I nodded at him that we were fine so him and phoebe got coffee and sat down at their own table. We left at around six to go to Peri's house. Theresa was there when we got there.

"You alright Leighton? Dads at home with the little ones." Theresa told Leighton while giving her a hug. It's nice how they both get on so well.

"How's little Penelope?" Leela asked me and peri.

"Cute!" I said.

"She is adorable, like Rose!" Peri agreed.

"How did your scan go T?" I asked.

"Good! We found out were having a boy! Our first boy! Well, we've got three girls I guess we were due a boy!" Theresa said excitedly. "And we set a date for the wedding! February 19th!" She said. We spent the evening talking about being bridesmaids and all the wedding stuff and what Theresa and dodge might call the baby, joe picked me up at half nine, he doesn't like me to walk alone on the village when it's dark, especially as we live in hollyoaks. We were walking along, he was pushing JJ, when we heard noises coming from down the alley.

"Freddieee" and then some kissing noises. Ew. Grim.

"Sounds like....Lindsey!" Joe whispered, a look of concern spreading across his face. We crept closer. "Linds?" Joe said, his facial expression was a mixture of anger and hurt.

"Joe.." Lindsey said. "JJ's there, don't do anything stupid."

"You and him?" Joe said. Lindsey nodded. "I wouldn't bother coming home tonight. Either of you. Come in Scarlett, get JJ." He said. I grabbed the handles of the pushchair and manoeuvred it as we ran after joe.

"Are you ok?" I asked him.

"Yeah." He croaked. "10 years we were together. And she's cheating in me with my brother." He looked so hurt, I didn't know what to do! "And what about JJ, our little boy, what's gonna happen to him? I'm not letting him go."

"You don't have to. He's your son too Joe. it'll be ok. She's not worth it. Come on let's go home." I said. It was all I knew what to do, hopefully Ziggy or Robbie will be able to sort something out when we get home. Joe went straight upstairs to put baby JJ to sleep, Tegan was upstairs trying to put Rose down and ziggy was sat in the living room watching Penelope in he pr crib.

"Zig.." I crept in.

"What's up little Lett?" He asked.

"Me and joe, we just found Freddie and Lindsey snogging, they've been cheating on Joe." I said.

"Joes gonna be torn up." Ziggy stated. "Where's rob? Jason's home for the night by the way.. I'm gonna think what to do about joe, you go see the twins." Ziggy told me. I nodded.

"Ok." I went upstairs, excited that Jase was home, even if it was only for one night. "Hellooooo" I bounced into their room.

"Lett, what's Joe storming about for?" Robbie asked.

"We found Freddie and Lindsey snogging." I told them the horrible truth. They were both silent.

"Oh." Robbie finally said.

"He really loved her. A lot." Jason stated.

Scarlett Roscoe - Hollyoaks. [Finished]Where stories live. Discover now