Chapter 8

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Dedication - tinarosesmith because she ships Celine and joe! #jeline


Leigton and I were at the park with JJ, Penelope and Ryder. They're all too young really to go on anything so we just pushed JJ in a swing. Penelope and Ryder were asleep.

"Celine wasn't drinking much last night." Leighton stated.

"Mm, yeah I know. Look at the bigger picture though." I said.

"You mean?"

"Maybe. How's Sam?" I said. Sam is Leightons boyfriend and he's been on holiday in America for almost four weeks.

"He's good I think, gets back tomorrow."

"Ahh so we won't be seeing much of you then." Peri said as she turned up behind us with Tom. Penelope was crying so peri picked her up, they're cousins after all.

"I'd better get Ryder back, or Theresa will worry." Leighton said and left.

"Yeah I better get JJ back, do you wanna keep Penelope or shall I take her?" I asked pez.

"You can take her, I don't want a screaming baby," peri said. I shrugged and took Penelope and put her in the buggy with JJ. When I got home, Celine had already hired a WEDDING PLANNER.

"And how many bridesmaids are you having?" The wedding planner, her name was Katy, said.

"Well my sister Porsche, my cousin Theresa, Theresa's daughters Kathleen-Angel and Myra-Pocahontas, Scarlett, oh there she is, come over Scarlett, joes brother Ziggys girls, Tegan, Rose and Penelope, and also Leighton and peri." Celine said counting on her fingers.

"What?" I asked.

"Oh and you've got JJ, here I'll give him some lunch." Celine said. She loves JJ almost as much as she loves joe I think, Lindsey is still not allowed to see JJ and she can't afford a lawyer so she's stuck.

"How's wedding prep coming along babe?" Joe walked in and asked.

"She wants 10 bridesmaids!" I told him .

"Whatever you want, cel. Is there a date?" He asked.

"April 4th." She said.

"Not long then." He said, smiling. Se shook her head and her and Katy carried on with wedding planning. I went upstairs to give Penelope to Tegan as joe and Celine had already taken JJ.

"Thanks for taking her Scarlett." Tegan said.

"No problem. Love my little nieces." I said.

"Have you heard about joe and Celines surprise?" She asked.

"Another one? Jeez, it's never ending!"

"They've adopted a toddler. Three year old girl." Tegan told me.

"Another bridesmaid for Celine then, she roping us all in to be her bridesmaid you know, me, you, the girls, the Mcqueens, it's gonna be a big wedding I can tell you that." I said. Tegan chuckled, I heard Joe, Celine and JJ go out the door, so I went to find the twins, they were having a sparring match to try and impress holly and phoebe.

"Are they being idiots again." I sat down next to phoebe.

"No Jason looks cute in those shorts!" Holly squealed. Me and phoebe looked at her weirdly.

"My brother is not cute." I stated. "None of their ugly mugs are cute."

"Robbins mugs not ugly." Phoebe said. "Shall we go get chips or something, this is boring." Phoebe said.

"Alright. Let us get changed. You coming scar?" Robbie asked. I nodded. It's gonna be very couple-y but I love spending time with the twins, they're fun, and it gets me out of wedding planning.

"By the way, hol, phoeb. I'd stay out of the way of Celine, she's already got 10 bridesmaids, and I'll bet you she'd happily have more." I smirked at them. They knew I was right. Celines a McQueen after all.the twins and I got dragged into shopping with Holly and Phoebe. We just sort of walked around after them bring stupid and mimicking them, it was fun, we even saw Freddie and had coffee with him and sinead. The twins still don't really like Freddie because they idolise joe, but were getting there, Freddie's our brother after all, joes forgiven him. We ended up back home, all shopped out. Joe came back with Celine, who's moved in I think, JJ and LOLA. Yeah Lola, from my kids home!

"Joe? Why's Lola here?" Lola saw me and jumped up for a hug.

"Celine and I are now her adoptive parents. She's so cute." Joe said.

"That's my mummy and daddy!" Lola told me. I smiled at joe.

"Thanks" he has obviously listened to me.

"Pleasures all ours, she's my little girl now, I always wanted a little girl. Come on Lola, let's get some food." Celine said. I think it's safe to say that my family is the best.

"Oh, Scarlett, a girl called Maddie said to call her." Joe said. Maddie, my old best friend from the home. I didn't want to be mean, but I had to cut off all ties from the kids home, to have a proper life with my family. Leighton and peri are my best friends now, I guess I have to call her anyway. I rung her.

"Scarlett?" Maddie asked.

"Hi Maddie." I said,

"Some people adopted your Lola today."

"Yeah it was brother and his fiancée, joe and Celine, she's here now." I told Maddie.

"Oh. Edwinas left. It's just me and annoying Lucy now." She told me.

"Everyone's left then pretty much."

"Yeah and you didn't call or text."

"Sorry I've been busy with my brothers and nieces and nephews and Leighton and pez and everything."

"Leighton and pez?"

"My friends?" She hung up. Oops. Maybe I shouldn't have said that. I'm gonna have to do something to make up for it.

"Joeeeee!" I said to my brother, who was busy with Lola and JJ.


"Can my friend Maddie come and stay for a bit?" I asked.

"Sure. Yeah fine." He said. Yes! I text her.

(To: Maddie Morstan)

Want to come stay for a whole? Joe says it's fine.

(From: Maddie Morstan)

Really? Can I? Yay! How long for? How much do I pack?

(To: Maddie Morstan)

Oh just pack everything and as long as you like!:)

I haven't told joe that Maddie is coming to live with us, but he won't care! I don't think so anyway. Our house is pretty packed. I've got one room, which I'll share with Maddie. Zig and Tegan's room, then there's Rose and Penelope's room. The twins room. Joe and Celines room and JJ and Lola's room. Yeah there's enough space. It's fine it's fine. I hope.

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