Chapter 16

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Eh guys, I got 5 votes on the last chapter! That's the most I've had XD


Yeah so we missed the holiday because of all the Lindsey drama and then the Robbie stuff, he still hasn't told Jason, but that could be because he doesn't ant Jase to worry about him when Jase has a lot going on for himself....what with Holly and the anorexia and everything. Joe is going to sit down and talk to him about it though. It's the last Friday of the summer holidays and I am so bored it's unbelievable. My boredness stretches all the way to going to find Joe at the garage.

"What's up Lett?" He asked.

"Bored," I told him.

"Why don't you go out or something? I can give you some money if you want."

"Leightons away and Peri's going out with Tom today." I said.

"Can I take JJ to feed the ducks?" I asked.

"Sure, make sure you tell Celine where your going though kid."

"Okayyyy!" I said.

(To: Robbie)

Want 2 come 2 feed ducks with me n JJ?

(From: Robbie)

Sorry I'm with someone, next time xx

(To: Robbie)

Okay but who u with!

(From: Robbie)

Mind your own, Lett. Bit a guy.

(To: Robbie)

Ooooooooooooooh look at little rob getting all the guys;)

(From: Robbie)

Shut up and go away!

I love winding up my brothers, they're so easy to wind up, they bring it on themselves really.

(From: Cal<3)

What you up to today? Want to meet? X

(To: Cal<3)

Taking JJ to feed the ducks, you can come with x

(From: Cal<3)

Sounds gd 2 me, meet u there x

"Come on JJ, put your shoes on, there we go, the first one, and the second one." I put JJ's shoes on and then went to tell Celine where we were going.

"Celine! JJ and I are going to feed the ducks be back soon!" I said.

"Ok, be safe! Love you!" Celine shouted.

"Love you too!" I said back. I took JJ to price slice first, we have to get bread to feed the ducks after all. Cindy was there.

"Hello, you two." She said.

"Hi." I said back.

"Now, Scarlett, how's Jason? Him and holly have been having some problems lately haven't they?" Cindy asked.

"Not that I know of. And I think he's getting there, he's had a lot to deal with, were just trying to help him through this first." I said.

"Ok, well I hope he gets better." Cindy said, before JJ and I left. We sort of skipped down to the pond, peri and tom were there, as was cal.

"Uppy!" JJ said, which meant I had to pick him up. He can be very demanding for a one year old. Probably because he was shy of the others.

"Hi guys." I said, giving cal a hug. "Are you getting down JJ? The ducks need feeding." I said. He gave me a look as if to say 'what do you think?" Bit I put him down anyway.

Scarlett Roscoe - Hollyoaks. [Finished]Where stories live. Discover now