Chapter 21

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"I don't know what Fred was thinking mum." Joe said, talking on the phone to grandma, Sandy."Yes, i know he was just trying to have some fun with them, but i don't want that mad woman near my four kids!" Joe stated, getting angry.

"Dad, Axel's crying." i said.

"Look mum, I've gotta go, the baby's crying." Joe said, and put the phone down before he tended to Axel. "I'm going to see Leighton, see you later dad." I said.

"Wait, I'll get Ziggy to take you, just incase you bump into Lindsey, or Patrick." dad said.

"Whys it bad if i bump into Patrick?" I asked.

"He wants you to live with him. I don't want him getting anywhere near you. His daughter and granddaughter are just weird and you are not going anywhere near them. Plus who knows what really happened to you lr mother, Amelia." dad said.

"ok, I'll go see if Robbie's free." i said. "ROBBIE! ARE YOU FREE!" I shouted up the stairs to him.

"I'm not doing anything, why what do you want?" He asked.

"Can you take me to Leighton's?" I asked.

"Why do you need someone to take you all of a sudden? Your capable of taking yourself over there aren't you?" Robbie said.

"Yeah but Lindsey's out now and Dads scared she'll try something, plus Patrick wants me to live with them and Joe doesn't want him to take me." I said to Robbie.

"Alright, come on then." Robbie said. We walked over to Dodger and Theresa's house boat. We reached their and Robbie dropped me in to Dodger.

"Just dropping Scarlett off mate, can you bring her back when your all finished here?" Robbie said and Dodger nodded.

"So little niece, Leighton's not here, but, you can spend with day with your incredibly cool, amazing uncle if you want." Dodger smiled. "And also Ryder and the twins."

"Love too uncle Dodge." I smiled back at him, picking up Alexa and playing with her, while Ryder was playing with my trouser leg trying to get my attention. "So, lets go see Theresa and the girls at the park, were having a picnic."

"Mark, just a quick one." Patrick said through the door. Then he saw me. "Ah, little Scarlett, so you'll be coming to live with us in a few short months." He said.

"No I won't. I'm staying with my Dad." I said.


"Patrick, don't shout at her, shes just a kid. And what do you mean, Amelia wants to see her, Amelias dead?" Uncle Dodger said.

"oh. Yes well, bye." Patrick said. Dodger and I gave each other confused looks, is mum alive?

Scarlett Roscoe - Hollyoaks. [Finished]Where stories live. Discover now