Chapter 42

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Yesterday, we laid everyone to rest. Myra-Pocahontas, Ryder, Alexa, Dirk and our little Axel. Patrick and Leighton didn't get a funeral. Not from us anyway. Dad and Celine have been crying non-stop, Celine can't even bear to go near Lola and jj , in case they just disappear in her arms. Dodger is surprisingly bearing up quite well, he's just trying to make everything as normal as possible for Ashton. But how normal can it be for them? Ashton lost his twin. Him and Theresa split up. She took kathleen-angel, but left Ashton, she couldn't bear to look at him, all she saw in him was Alexa. Lindsey keeps coming round to check that JJ's OK. Freddies moved back in, he gave lily back to sinead, and things didn't work out with Brooklyn, so she's gone. But nico and I are going back to school today. Were sticking together now. I walked downstairs, dressed and ready for school.

"Dad?" I saw him sat in the sofa, looks like he'd slept there...

"What's up?" He said.

"Are you okay? I'm really sorry about what happened I didn't mean for it to...I know its my fault but I'm sorry." I apologised to him. He patted the set next to him and I sat down.

"Dont out ever say something like that. I just miss your bother, that's all, it was not your fault, dot ever think that, now go on, get to school." I stood up and went to school.

When I got home, I went to the garage to see George. He was by himself, fixing a car.

"Want a hand?" I smiled. He looked over, and chucked a spanner at me. "Careful, you'll have my eye out." I told him.

"How was your first day back?" He asked, his head still under the bonnet.

"Well, there was new kids, one boy who wheres more make up than Celine and amd celines little sister started the school. Just kept put heads down. Wish I could leave like you." I muttered.

"I'm 18, I had to leave. Well at least you've got salvation in the garage." He smirked, wiping oil on my cheek. I grinned, putting my finger in the pot and wiping it all over his face. We ended up with oil all over us, my school uniform and his overalls covered, lying on the floor, laughing. "Good to hear you laugh again." George stated.

"Its good to laugh again."

"Laughings a positive action." He chuckled. Then Freddie walked in and saw us on the floor, I admit, it must have been a bit dodgy..

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING WITH MY NIECE!" Freddie shouted, grabbing him and pinning him against the wall. "TOUCH HER AGAIN AND YOUR DEAD MATE." Freddie yelled.

"Fred, nothing happened. Seriously, we had an oil and fight and were just having fun. You should try it sometime." I laughed at him. Freddie let go of George, so I grabbed his hand snd we ran out laughing. What an idiot.  "Overprotective." I grinned at George.

"Probably right to be." George mumbled.

"What?" I asked, but I was cut off by George kissing me. I kissed him back if liked him since the time he came to help me and zig in the garage when he came and ernie was dropped off. We broke apart. "Er.."

"I like you Scar, like a lot. I know I'm 18 and your 16 but does it matter?" He questioned.

"No." I smiled and kissed him again. "Just stay away from Freddie a bit." I smirked. "Oh my god." I gasped.

"What?" George asked.

"That's Sam, leightons boyfriend, and he is walking towards us.." i said, trying to hide my face so Sam wouldn't see, but he already had. "Hi sam, i thought you changed schools?! I sakd as he walked up.

"I did. How are you?"

"I'm ok."

"Do you know where Leighton is? I need to say sorry."

"Um, leightons...not here."

"She killed herself after trying to kill all Scarlett and her family." George explained.

"What!?" Sams eyes widened.

Scarlett Roscoe - Hollyoaks. [Finished]Where stories live. Discover now