Chapter 47

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I ran to find dodger. He lay there, in a pool of his own blood. I almost puked at the sight of it. But still, I ran right up, checked his pulse. Thank god he was still breathing. Blood oozed from his head and I ripped off a piece of my t shirt in order to put pressure on the wound. Theresa walked past, on her way home from price slice. I heard her gasp, and a little voice, Kathleen-Angel, ask of dodger was OK.

"Scarlett? What happened to him?" Theresa asked, whilst shielding Kathleen-Angels eyes from the sight of dodger.

"Freddie got angry." I sighed. "You'll have to pick up Ashton." I told her.

"I-i can't. Me and dodger agreed he would have him. I can't see him. He just reminds me of Myra, Ryder and Lexie." She snivelled.

"Well stop putting yourself first for once and think about your son. His dads lying here and your not even bothered bout him? You know what, don't even worry, just get out my sight." I ordered her, it was disgusting, what kind of a person wouldn't even want to look after their own son. The ambulance arrived shortly after, and dodger was taken to the hospital. I had no idea what was going on with Freddie, that was up to Joe and Ziggy now. I was waiting outside differs cubicle when I saw lindsey had just finished her shift.

"Linds, could you pick Ashton up for me? Dodher can't, and theresa is basically useless." I explained.

"Of course, don't worry, I'll drop him at your house?"

"Thanks linds." I smiled and she walked off.

After two hours of waiting, they finally came to say he was OK, and stable, and awake. I rushed to see him straight away, so glad he was gonna be OK.

"Hey." I smiled at him as I walked in.

"You OK?" He croaked.

"Me? Your the one were all worried about. Ziggy was here, but he had to shoot off because of Penelope, Lindsey's picking Ashton up, and dropping him at my house, I'll look after him until your better. everythings in hand, you'll be OK, just focus on getting better."

"What'd I do without you, eh?"

"Hmmm, hard question." I grinned. He chuckled.

"Thanks for saving my life."

"Anytime. And your staying with us when you get out of here, freddie shall not be there, I promise you."


"He did this to you."


"You didn't know?"

"No." Strange. I'd have thought dodger would have known that Freddie had almost killed him. Ah well. I went home and, sure enough, Freddie was gone. In a cell, probably. I fed Ashton his tea, spaghetti bolognese, Lindsey cooked. Then put him to bed.

"Joe! Can you look after Ash for me?" I called out.

"Course, where you off to?"

"Just gotta go see someone. Make things right." I explained to my dad.

"George?" I just nodded and slipped out the door. I walked to the Lomax residence, I didn't know whether George would be glad to see me, angry, or disappointed. I was making my way up the steps, when I heard voices. It was George and Peri.

"I don't want to be with you like this. Your only being my boyfriend because Scarlett's gone." I heard peri argue.

"Peri, Scarlett's in the past." He argued back.

"Oh really? That's why you mourn over her and keep looking at photos of the two of you? I know you love her. Just face it, it was fun while it lasted, but its never going to last were done George." Peri stated. But George wasn't listening, because I'd walked up the stairs, ready to confront and face them. Peri turned around. When I saw her face, I saw how hurt she was, it wasn't her fault he had led her on.

"You really are something else aren't you? I wasnt even gone that long, come on pez, sleep at mine tonight, you don't wanna be around this loser." I scorned him.

"Scarlett, come on, you don't ,mean that, I love you, really I do!" He had tears welling in his eyes, but I wasnt about to feel sorry for him.

"You only love yourself. Come on, pez." We walked back down the steps and headed back to my house.

"I'm sorry."

"Don't be, pez, its fine, honestly. Mates before dates right?" I smiled. "Chippy tea?"

Scarlett Roscoe - Hollyoaks. [Finished]Where stories live. Discover now