Chapter 18

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"Fred! Fred! Are they back?" I shouted running downstairs, still in my pyjamas and my curls all in a mess, I'd managed to sleep in until 3pm without realising.

"No, not yet, but don't worry, it's gonna be ok." Freddie said pulling me into a hug.

"But who's gonna look after Lola and JJ and me if Joe's not here? He promised he always would be." I started to cry.

"Don't cry little Lett, I'll be here, you can count on it." He said. We may have had some problems with Freddie in the past, but he's always here when it counts, which kind of makes up for it, you know you can always count on him. "Right I need to go pick up Lola from nursery, can you keep an eye on JJ for me, he's asleep at the moment." Freddie said. I nodded and he left to go get my niece. I went upstairs to get changed into my skinny jeans and t-shirt and brushed my hair and teeth. JJ woke up so we went to the garage to find Ziggy.

"Ahh you alright Lett?" Ziggy said.

"Yeah, just looking after JJ, Fred went to pick up Lola." I told him.

"Listen, sis, stop worrying, joes a big boy, he can look after himself, and do you know how I know that Joe and Celine will be back?" He asked. I shook my head. "I know they'll be back because they'd never leave Lola and JJ, and joe would never leave you, you know that." He said. I smiled.

"Thanks zig, love you." I replied.

"Love you too, kid." He said back, and JJ and I went to see Leighton.

(To: Freddie)

Going to see Leighton, got JJ with me xx

(From: Freddie)

Ok, stay safe xx

I knocked on the door of the boat, but Leighton wasn't in because she was out with Sam, but JJ wanted to play with Myra-Pocahontas so we stayed for a bit.

"Joes still not back?" Theresa asked, whilst giving Ashton his bottle. I shook my head.

"No, they left early last night, and we haven't seen them since." I told them. Dodger was pacing up and down, while giving Alexa her bottle. "Are you ok dodge?" I asked.

"I-I'm fine why wouldn't I be? I'm going out t, here take lex." He said, handing Alexa over to Theresa and he left.

"Hold on, I'll go and see what's wrong with him." Theresa said, making me take Ashton and Alexa, while Ryder and JJ were hanging onto my legs. I heard them trying to tall quietly outside, I thought it was some sort of marital argument, so I put Ashton and Alexa in their cribs, left Ryder and Myra-Pocahontas playing, took JJ and went to leave.

"Joe told me not to tell any of them where him and Celine are, he doesn't want them worrying over Celine!" Dodger said.

"Were gonna go..." I said.

"Did you hear me?" Dodger asked. I bit my lip and nodded. "Listen I shouldn't say anything, but their in the hospital, I can't say anymore, but there you go." He told me.

"Thanks" I muttered and ran home to find Freddie and tell him what I'd just heard. When we got back, Fred was sat at the breakfast bar with Sinead.

"I know where joe is!" I shouted at him.

"Calm down lett, I know, he text me." Freddie said.

"Let me see." I said.

(From: Joe)

Sorry we bailed last night, were at hospital, something happened with Celine+baby, I'll be home a bit later to put the kids to bed and get some more stuff! thanks for looking after scar! Lola and JJ for me Fred, appreciate it. Joe.

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