Chapter 6

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Heyy guys sorry haven't updated been busy. feel free to comment so I can make the story better!

Dedicated to morganbyrne09 because she never fails to comment!


*month later.*

"Guys it's been a month now, joes just skulking around, Fred's nowhere to be seen and Lindsey's living at the Mcqueens. Much as I hate what Freddie's done, I miss him like crazy and joe needs closure on the whole thing." I told ziggy and Jason, now out of hospital for good, being monitored by us to make sure he eats!

"We should set joe up on a date, I know some cracking girls." Ziggy said, I guess he was trying to be helpful, but it doesn't help that he's just constantly cooing over. Penelope, so we don't really get much sense out of him, becoming a dad has definitely changed his womanising ways for the better, but there's some aspects of the old zig that we all miss.

"Could work. I mean, it can't help, zigs got Tegan, I've got holly, Robbie and phoebe, we kinda rub his face in it." Jason said.

"Ok then, Zig, just, don't get some tart, get someone classy who's nice, just get what joe likes." I told my brother.

"I know just the girl" zig winked at Jase and I, I couldn't help but wonder what we had just got joe into.

"I'll get Pez and Leigh round and we'll babysit JJ, hey zig, you and tegs could go out for the night and we'll babysit Rose and Penelope as well. You guys had best make the most out of it." I said.

"Nice one Lett." Ziggy said and went to call this mystery girl for Joe. Jason face palmed himself.

"What have we just done." Jase groaned. I shrugged my shoulders and went to find Joe, nothing we can do now except get Joseph ready for this mystery date.

(To: Peri Lomax, Leighton Savage)

Sleepover @ mine tonight, babysitting JJ, Rose, Penelope: joe and zig and tegs going out

(From: Leighton Savage)

Sounds fun! Movie night & takeaway! Oh and Imma bring K-A and M-P so dad and T can go out x

(To: Leighton Savage)

Two more kids can't hurt.

(From: Peri Lomax)

Might be late tonight, going out with tom for dinner x

Great, that was our night sorted, babysitting 5 kids, movie night, takeaway, brothers going on dates, just a normal night for our family. Kind of. But first, I had the task of getting Joe to agree to going on a date....I went upstairs to find him, he had just put JJ down for a nap, so I signalled for him to come talk.

"What's up Lett?" He asked.

"Okay, Joe don't be mad at us, we kinda set you up on a date." I told my eldest brother, expecting him to have a go at me.

"Who's we?"

"Me, Jason....and Ziggy."

"Who picked the date?"

"Me." Well, if I said Ziggy, he'd never go!

"What time, where, what about JJ?"

"Seven o clock, the hutch, and I'm babysitting him and four others." I DID NOT expect Joe to take it so well! He was going on a date! It's a start I guess...

"Your babysitting 5 kids alone?" He asked.

"No, with Peri and Leighton! And it's just JJ, Penelope, Rose, Kathleen-Angel and Myra-Pocahontas." I said.

"Ok, if you want to."

"Yep. So get ready for your date bro, you've got an hour."

"Who is the date?" He asked me.

"You'll find out when you leave."

"Ok Scarlett, I'm going I'm going." With that, I smiled and went to find zig to find out who the date was, I actually only just caught him at the door because he needed me to take Rose and Penelope, although he was taking a long time because he wouldn't stop saying goodbye to Penelope and kissing her. Hmm.

"Ok zig just give her here." He handed me Penelope, I had her in one arm, Rose in the other, and JJ would wake up in a minute.

"Joes date is Celine McQueen, me and tegs chose her, she's a family friend, nice, has good morals. Joes type. See ya later." And he just walked out the door. Bye then.

"Thanks for looking after the girls, tell Peri I said hi!" Tegan said, walking out the door, just as Leighton turned up with her little siblings in tow. "If they need to sleep, there's beds set up in the girls room." Tegan smiled at Leighton who nodded thankfully in return just as joe came rushing down, ready for his date with Celine.

"So, scar, who am I looking for?"

"Celine McQueen." I said. He nodded, weighing it up in his mind. Then walked off. Peri turned up about half and hour later, and once all the kids were asleep and in bed, we settled down with pizza, popcorn and pitch perfect. We talked a lot, mainly about peri and toms date, also about Leightons boyfriend Sam, and my 'friend' Cal. An hour into the film joe text me.

(From: Joe Bro)

Out JJ in the girls room tonight. Date going great, lovely girl, love u scar xxx

My work, is done. And I like Celine, she'll be good for joe.

(From: Lindsey)

Hi, Scarlett I know joes out, please please let me see JJ.

(To: Lindsey)

No. Stay away from my family and joe and JJ in particular.

(From: Lindsey)

I'll tell you where Freddie is.

(To: Lindsey)

If I want to know where Freddie is, I'll text him. Go away.

I blocked her number so she couldn't text me again. But then when she'd mentioned Freddie, it made me want to unblock him, even though joe had made us block him and disown him. So I unblocked him. He's my brother. Texts started pouring in from Fred:

'Hi Lettie, are you ok? Please text me'

"It's Fred want to met for coffee'

'Please don't ignore me'

'What I did was wrong, just because I did that don't let joe tell you not to see me'

'Come on Lett I'm your brother I love you'

I sighed. He is my brother.

(To:Freddie bro)

College Coffee, 9am, tomorrow. X

(From: Freddie bro)

I'll be there, love ya xx

Scarlett Roscoe - Hollyoaks. [Finished]Where stories live. Discover now