Chapter 49

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"Hey! Scarlett right?" A voice called after me, the person stopped in front of me. Great, the boy from the other night. Harry. "I thought we should clear the air, you know, so its not...awkward or anything." He smiled.

"Yeah whatever, its forgotten." I replied, moving coast him and carrying on with what I was doing. He followed me.

"So, you wanna, go for a drink or something? My dad owns the hutch so you know, its all free." He asked, his face looked hopeful. I sighed.

"Fine." I gave in and followed him toward the hutch. Joe and Ziggy were in there with Lindsey and Tegan. Seriously, my family are everywhere, there's no getting away from them. I sat at a separate table from them all with Harry, Sinead came to take our order. We both ordered white wine and we just sat and waited. "So, you new around here?" I questioned him, making small talk I guess.

"Yeah, my dad couldn't pay my school fees so I ended up here. Unfortunately."

"Not much fun around here. My dad owns the garage, but its boring otherwise, I wish we could travel, and try new things, not just have the same old hollyoaks rubbish." I was saying, until I got interrupted by my dad. "What do you want?" I rolled my eyes at him.

"Can you not get drunk? Show some respect Scarlett, were supposed to be visiting Axels grave today, and supporting dodger, he's going to baby Myra, Ryder and Lexie's graves. Stop being so selfish." He told me.

"So I'm the selfish one? I put all of you first the whole time, and where did that get us? Nowhere. You go to the graves, because I don't care, I don't need to go to some grave to be able to remember them, there up here, in my head and in my heart, I remember them for who they were, not for the dead bodies in the ground they are now, maybe you should try it sometime, and just maybe you should focus in the kids you've got left, not the one that's dead. Lo and JJ need you more than a dead person Joe." I told him a few home truths.

"What is up with you? You havent called me 'Joe' for years, I'm your dad, Scarlett."

"Well I wish you'd just get out my face. Your annoying, and all I do is pick up after your mess, and if its not you, its Freddie, or Ziggy, or Dodger! Just go to the grave, but don't expect me yo come with you." He just stood there. "Are you leaving or what?!" I exclaimed. He shook his head and walked out, muttering to himself.

"Well, your dads a barrel of laughs." Harry grinned. This boy might actually be fun after all.

"Oh, I bet yours is just the same."

"Must be a 'dad' thing." He smirked.

"You fancy getting out of here? I mean, its almost nine, we could go home get changed, then go out, club sound good to you? I can't be doing with yet another boring evening in with daddykins and Lindsey."

"Music to my ears. I'll meet you outside around ten?"

"Sound good to me."

I went home, curled my hair so it looked 'natural' and slipped in to my little black dress. I did my make up, grabbed my leather jacket and shoved on my heels, by the time I was ready it was ten past ten already, I'm always late!
(To: Harry ; From: Scarlett) on my way xx

I ran to meet harry, it was raining, luckily my house isn't far from the club, so it didnt take me too long, Harry caught me as I almost fell over when I reached him, I had run all the way in heels aft all. For a brief second, I thought there was a 'moment' between us, but then it was gone. We headed up, inside the club. We kept the drinks coming and we danced all night, well for the time we were there anyway. It must have been about three in the morning when we left. It ended just like the over night, only we had both known this was coming. I woke up in Harry's bed, next to him.

"Morning." He said, smiling.

"Well, I can actually remember last night, so it can't have been that bad. I'm so glad I don't go to school." I laughed.

"Yeah, I'll just skip it. Can't be bothered with that today. So what do you wanna do today." Harry asked.

"Wow, people might start saying I'm a bad influence on you." I smirked at him.

"Then I guess they'd be right." He grinned. A knock me on the door. Rat-a-tat-tat. His dad then walked in, we hid under the sheets, our eyes just about pong out so we could see him, we were both trying to hold in our laughter. "Alright dad?" Harry managed to say.

"ERM, Joe was wondering if you'd seen Scarlett, he saw you with her yesterday, he's at the door..." Tony told us. I looked at Harry.

"I'll get rid of him. She's not here, dad, got it?" Harry went down, sure enough, he got rid of my dad.  "He's gone." Harry told me.

"My knight in shining armour, thanks for getting rid of him." I kissed Harry.

"Wanna go to the dog for lunch? Its one already."


We got dressed and made our way to the dog. I just had a cheese penini but harry had a full on roast. Nancy mustve called my dad, theyre rather friendly, because my dad walked in not long after we had gotten our food.

"So there you are. I have been looking everywhere! You didn't even come home last night! What was I supposed to think! I was on the brink of calling the police!" Joe yelled at me.

"Im 17, Joe. I'll do what I like thanks." I smirked at him.

"Home. Now." I rolled my eyes and got up, kissed Harry and walked out. I dodnt wait for my dad, just made my own way home. He came up to my room shortly after. "What is wrong with you? You've never been like this before, you've always been so good."

"Yeah. Well. Maybe I just got fed up of everyone relying on me. Freddie can cover up his own murders now, and you and zig can look after your own kids."

"I thought it was this. You do too much around here, no ones relying on you from now on, OK?" I meekly nodded at him.

"Sorry, Dad."

"Well thank god weve gotten rid of all the Joe buisness now. I love you, Scarlett."

"Love you too, Dad."

Scarlett Roscoe - Hollyoaks. [Finished]Where stories live. Discover now