Chapter 29

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Grandad's been murdered.

We found out at dodger and Theresa's dinner do. Everyone was sat around the boat. Me, Joe, Celine, Lola, JJ and Axel. Dodger, Theresa, Leighton, Angel, Pocahontas, Ryder, Ash and Alexa. Amelia, Sienna and Nico. I was chatting with Leighton and playing with the kids. Dodger was cooking. Joe was giving Axel a bottle. Sienna and Celine were trying to help dodger, but not really helping at all. There was a knock on the door, Theresa got up to answer it.

"Can we come in?" They asked, to which I saw Theresa nod. Two men dressed in official police uniform stepped in through the boats door.

"D.I. Bayle?" Dodger said.

"I'm afraid we bring bad news. Patrick Blake has been murdered. Shot at gunpoint. We've started an investigation, we will find the killer, we will out your minds at rest." Bayle said. A look of horror crossed dodgers face. Sienna has tears in her eyes. Amelia stared blankly at the wall. "Look, I'm sorry I have to do this now, I know your all good people at heart." Bayle said to us, taking out handcuffs. "Dodger savage, I'm arresting you on suspected murder, you do not have to say anything that may harm your defence." Dodger was arrested. Dodger would never kill Patrick, he hated him, sure, but dodge wouldn't do that. The other officer stepped up now.

"Sienna Blake, Amelia Blake, Joe Roscoe, Nico Blake, Scarlett Roscoe I'm arresting you on suspected murder, you do not have to say anything that may harm your defence," we were all cuffed and put in three separate police cars. Dodger and Sienna. Amelia and Joe. Me and Nico. We were all put in the same cell. Why would they suspect me of killing him? I try my best not to go near him. Everyone was silent and had glum looks on their faces.

"Tho only way were getting out of here is if the killer owns up. So do it now. I've got kids I need to look after." Joe said. Determined to find the killer, get them prosecuted and go home. "Plus, my teenage daughter is in a prison cell, because some idiot has killed the man we all hate. Why couldn't any of you just let Maxine do her job and get him sent down?" He continued.

"How do you know it wasn't Scarlett who killed him?" Amelia crossed Joe.

"I know my daughter, there's no way she'd do something like that." Dad said, putting a reassuring hand on my shoulder.

"He's right, she's to nice." Nico agreed.

"Well I didn't kill him, I've nothing to do with the man." Joe said. So that rules out joe and me. I doubt it was Nico. Every time she used to see him she went as small as a mouse, and this tough act she puts on vanished. It must have been one of his kids. Amelia, Sienna or Dodger. I realised I'd gasped at my realisation and everyone was looking at me weirdly.

"I just need to pee." I passed the looks off, got up and carefully tiptoed over to the toilet.

"This really isn't gonna reflect well on Lindsey's court hearing." I heard Joe sigh. He's right, it's not. But we haven't even had the letter through to say when he's in court, so he shouldn't worry too much yet. They'll probably have let him go by tomorrow. I came back and sat down next to Nico.

"You ok?" I whispered.

"Bit shocked, who'd have the guts to do that to Patrick?" Nico asked.

"I don't know." I lied. The cell door opened and Freddie, Leighton, Theresa and Maxine were shoved in. All of us confined to this tiny space. "How come your here Maxine?" I asked.

"It's procedure. Pinky a minuscule amount of people knew I was under cover, so as soon as my head of mission realises where I am, I'll be out of here, and don't worry, I'll do all I can to get the rest of you out." Maxine smiled warmly.

"Tree, Leigh, why are you guys here? What about the kids?" Dodger worried.

"We started a fight trying to get you out, they out us in here. And they're with Celine." Theresa told her husband. Dodger rolled his eyes. A guard came through to tell us:

"All interviews will be recorded tomorrow, those of you who are an insignificant detail will be let free, the others, well we'll have to see."

"When d'you think we'll get out?" Leighton asked me.

"Tomorrow I guess, anyway, your not up for murder, just fighting, your an 'insignificant detail' so should be out tomorrow." I snickered.

Scarlett Roscoe - Hollyoaks. [Finished]Where stories live. Discover now