Chapter 25

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Recommendation: the bad boys brother by Hollyoaks_Lover_


"Scarlett! Are you up? Schools in half an hour!" Celine shouted up to me. I was already up and dressed, first day back after the whole Patrick thing. There's a new head teacher too. "Remember Sienna's taking you, Leighton and Nico out after school." Celine said as I walked down the stairs.

"Oh, don't remind me, the afternoon with nico, yay." I said sarcastically.

"Don't be harsh!" Celine said, but laughing at me at the same time. "Go and eat your breakfast, while I get Axel and JJ up and dressed." Celine told me. I went and sat down at the table next to Lola, ziggy was there as well.

"What you doing today then Lo?" I asked my little sister.

"Going to nursery school with Kathleen-Angel and mummy!" Lola said.

"Wow, that'll be fun!" I said.

"Yeah, we can do painting and colouring and playing with dollies!" Lola told me, so happy. You can't hep but smile at her cuteness.

"Zig, can you do me a favour?" I asked.

"Depends on what it is." He said.

"Turn up after school saying it's an emergency and you need me right away." I said.

"Why do I need to do that?" He asked.

"I need to get out of an afternoon with Nico." I told him.

"Fine." Ziggy said.

"Thanks zig." I said hugging him. "Best uncle ever." I smiled. "But don't tell dad or Celine." I warned him. He nodded. "Right, I'd best get off to school." I said, and left. When I arrived at school, I went over to our usual group. Peri, Leighton, Sam, Tom and cal were already there. I broke it off with cal after the whole Patrick thing, I need to focus on my family for a while. I'm not sure how he's gonna cat towards me.

(From: Ziggy)

Joe says I'm not allowed to get you out of it because you have to go. Sorry! Uncle zig xx

I rolled my eyes.

"Something up?" Peri asked.

"Nothing, just zig being a plonker." I said.

"Ready for this thing tonight? How fun is it gonna be, eh, my and Theresa, you and auntie Amelia and auntie sienna and nico, lovely, lovely nico." Leighton said. "Why did our mums agree to this?" She asked, pleading for a good answer.

"No idea. My dad's making me go." I said.

"One of your first proper times with your mum and all isn't it?" Sam asked.

"Yeah, but she's ok, unless she's around dad of course. She still blames him for not rescuing her when he thought she was dead!" I told them. I saw Holly approaching.

"Hey." I said to her, she truly is one of the best people I know, she helped Jase through everything, when there was no one here who was helping him and go trying to get him better, but she was always there, and I'll always by forever indebted to her for that, all us roscoes will.

"Hey, is Jase in?" She asked.

"I dunno. He said something about working at the garage today?" I said.

"He hasn't answered my texts, can you text him?" Holly asked.

"He's probably just asleep but ok." I said.

(To: Jason)

What're you doing 2day? 6th form?

(From: Jason)

Garage until 12, then I'm coming into 6th. Tell hol I'll be in later.

"He's coming in later, working at the garage until later." I told her.

"How come he answers you and not me though?" She asked.

"Well, I'm his sister turned niece, so he just automatically responds, they all do that." I explained.

"Ohh ok." She said walking off to find. Her mates. After school, Sienna, Amelia and Theresa were there.

"Hi Sie." I said walking up and giving my auntie a hug.

"Good day back?" She asked. I shrugged.

"It was alright, boring." I told her.

"I loved school, make the most of it." She told me.

"That's exactly what Celine says." I said.

"Who's Celine?" Amelia asked. Without thinking, I answered.

"Well she's my dad's wife, she's only really Lola and Axels mum but she's basically my and JJ's mum as well." I told her. Like I said, I said it without thinking.

"Not that Amelia's not you r mum though." Good save auntie Sienna.

"No of course, sorry if wasn't thinking." I said.

"It's ok, I haven't been there I understand that." Amelia smiled.

"SCARLETT!" Leighton holla-d. I turned around laughing.

"Leigh. I'm not gonna holla back at you, because that would be embarrassing." I told her, laughing at my crazy cousin. Not crazy in a nico way, crazy in my funny way. Nico turned up so we all left. Leighton and I chatted the whole time as did Sienna, Amelia and Theresa, and nico just sort of walked silently. The restaurant we were having dinner at was called The Tide In.

"Sounds posh." I said.

"Oh, it is." Sienna said smiling. "I've got some news I need to tell you all, that's why." She said. I was intrigued. Auntie Sienna hardly ever has good news. We went in NAND sat down, I sat down next to Leighton, and nico sat beside me, I was facing Sienna. Half an hour into the meal, Sienna came out with her news.

"Four months ago, I had a stupid one night stand, with a guy, and, well, I'm having a baby girl!" Sienna said.

"Yay! That's amazing!" I said, walking round to hug her. Nico just grimaced at me and Leighton hugging her mum and I think I heard her mumble under her breath that she'd get us back. When we'd finished, Sienna dropped me back home. Dad answered the door. Amelia was there.

"Hey, princess, how was it, was she good?" He asked Sienna and Amelia.

"As gold." Sienna said.

"Yeah, she always is." Joe said, kissing my forehead. "She was brought up that way." He said.

"You've only known her almost a year, how can you say that." Amelia scoffed.

"My little girl has and will always be brought up right, mum brought her up to be a good girl, and she did a good job." Joe said.

"Couldn't even look after her yourself." Amelia smirked.

"He was just a kid! He didn't know what he was doing and he's more than made up for it, which can't be said for you." I said. "Bye auntie sienna, and congratulations." I said. Them I shut the door in Amelia's face. "You know, dad, I'm glad we've got Celine. She's good. She's basically taken on three kids as well as having Axel." I said.

"Yeah. She's amazing isn't she. That's why I love her." Joe said.

"Well I love you both too." Celine said, smiling, and walking out her kitchen.

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