Chapter 2

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I woke up and walked downstairs, my curls all in a mess. Joe was humming along to a Christmas song, Lindsey was feeding JJ, mum had left for work, she didn't want to be around us, I wonder why. Kim was buttering toast and ziggy was looking at himself in the mirror, again.

"You are vain, aren't you Zig?" I told my brother. Everyone laughed, except ziggy who looked like he had no idea what I just said.

"What does that mean?" He asked.

"Ignore him, he's just heard it enough times." Joe laughed. "Want some toast Scar?"

"Umm no thanks I'll just have cereal. Where Jason and rob?"

"Robs asleep and Jasons gone back to the unit." Joe said. Oh, I'd forgotten jase had to go back, holly still hasn't forgiven him, maybe ill go talk to her today.

"Scarlett, can you take JJ today, joe and I have both got work, the sitters cancelled." Lindsey asked. I nodded.

"Ok?" I said. Joe smiled.

"Gonna be helpful having a little sis." He said.

"She is pretty awesome." Zig said. "What are you doing today Lettie?" Zigs little nickname for me, Lettie.

"I thought I'd go and see holly. See if she wants to come see jade with me. I'll take JJ, don't worry linds." I said as I finished my Cheerios. "I'll just get dressed and then I'll come get JJ."

I went upstairs, pulled on my skinny jeans, fluffy Rose jumper and my parka jacket, white vans and brushed my curly hair. I applied a little mascara to my lashes and blusher to my cheeks.

"Ok, let's go, JJ in the pram?" I asked Lindsey. She nodded.

"Hold up, Lett, I'm coming." Robbie shouted. I rolled my eyes, trust him to be late. But I realised why, when phoebe came down the stairs with him.

"Oh, Lettie, don't be late home, Tegan's coming round, I want you to meet her and Rose." Ziggy called out.

"Ok!" I replied, then me, Robbie and JJ went to see holly.


Dirk answered the door with Hilton in his arms.

"Holly" he called out. She came to the door.

"Oh. Hi Scarlett and Robbie." She said.

"Alright." Robbie said, he doesn't like her, I know that much. I pushed JJ into the room and let Robbie see to him, so I could talk to Holly.

"Just hear me out, ok? Jase couldn't tell you about the food, because he didn't want anyone to know, it messed up his head, but Jason needs all the support he can get right now, and he lives you. Having my brothers, me, linds, Kim, JJ, mum, dad, that's not enough, not when the person he really needs is you. My brother could be home for good if you helped him. I know you love him, so stop being to selfish and help us out. Come on Rob, we're leaving." I said.

"I couldn't have out it better myself." Robbie said as he carried JJ out and smiled at me. "We're seeing him at 3, right Lett?" Robbie said as we walked out the door, I nodded.

Scarlett Roscoe - Hollyoaks. [Finished]Where stories live. Discover now