Chapter 33

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I've been here 6 months. We've had Christmas, my birthday. It has actually been great. Me and Sandy (Grandma) have been great, we've built up a really good relationship. Were good. Obviously, there's my uncle Fred, were still as close as we've ever been. I haven't seen my dad. I miss him. A lot. But I just don't want to go back. He understands that. I think. He's coming over. Today. I'm scared, I don't want to go back, what if he tries to make me go back? I love it here. Sandy and Cory and Freddie and Lily and me. Sinead tried to come out here and get Lily back. Didn't work. So she left.

"Scarlett! Dinners ready! Come on, your dad'll be here soon!" Sandy shouted down to me. I put on my flowery skirt and white shirt. Dad's gonna be here. At home. Well, grandma home, not home home. Or maybe it is home home. I just don't know. We ate pasta and laughed our heads of at Cory's stupid jokes. He's funny, sandy did well. In the end I mean, after Fraser and Rick and everyone.

"So, Scarlett, you looking forward to your dad and JJ coming?" Sandy smiled.

"Not really. I want to see him, course, but I don't wanna go back and yeah."

"Hey. You don't have to do anything you don't want to do." Cory said. I smiled.


"But you do have to go back for a little bit, not ages or anything. And not right now. Take as long as you need." Sandy said.

"Yeah but, she can stay, right?" Freddie said.

"Freddie, your not her dad, joe is. She needs to be with her dad for a bit." Sandy explained. I nodded. There was a knock on the door. Dad. Cory opened it and in came dad and JJ, and Jason.

"Jase!" I said, excited to see him, I hugged him.

"No hug for your dad then?" Joe said.

"Course." I smiled and went into his arms and he held me tight.

"You've no idea how much I've missed you." He said, letting JJ toddle off to grandma. "Your coming home with me, next week. Ok?" He said. I sighed. I miss Leighton I guess, and Celine, and uncle dodge.

"Ok." I said.

The next week, we were back home, and I went to see dodge and Leigh. They were on the boat of course.

"Hey!!" Leighton squealed.

"Where's dodger?" I asked.

"We don't know. He's been missing weeks." Leighton told me.

Scarlett Roscoe - Hollyoaks. [Finished]Where stories live. Discover now